Dr Grubers G13 Grow Journal(Dr Greenthumb Seeds)


Well-Known Member
For some reason I can receive private messages, but can't reply to them. Does one need a certain number of posts before being able to send private messages?


Active Member
I'll be watching, good luck!

Im putting in my order soon.

What the hell $200 could find something special, Im in.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
I hope you didn't throw it out, it may still be growing. I damaged the tip on one and it grew side shoots off the tap root. If you planted it pointed up like Dr G suggests you'll have to dig it up as it won't do the curl to pull itself out of the soil. Tou'd replant it, cotleydons above ground.
I still have it but i opened it up and had a look...tap root was seperated from the rest of it and brown. It must have had a small cut or brake from the fall and i couldnt see it.


Active Member
Bummer on the seed dude, hope the two you have are monsters.

I have a pack of G13 and a pack of Endless Sky on the way, cant wait to pop them!!

I sent PM, not sure if it worked?

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
So i decided not to use Foxfarm soil for this grow and bought some soil from a local hydro shop that mixes it up themselves. They use ProMix and a bunch of other stuff in it and have a soil for Veg and one for flower. I talked to some people who are using it and they had very positive reviews. I checked the PPM of the Veg soil...650ppm compared to the FF which is over 2000ppm right out of the bag. I think this should help keep the lockout and burn to a minimum. I have also takien the hoods off my lights and hung them verticaly...wow! Its not as fun going in the flower room anymore because I have very sensitive eyes and the light is blinding now..gives me a headache in a few minutes so i have to wear sunglasses. But the light distribution is amazing now...we shall see if it makes a difference.