Drying in a Quick Cure mesh Drying Rack


Well-Known Member
I know most prefer to dry by hanging branches across string, which is the only method I have used. However, I have a huge box that a chlothes washer came in that I use to hang dry my buds and it is so huge that it is a big inconvenience.

I found this mesh drying rack on Amazon that is completely mesh for airflow and has up to 6 shelves for my different strains.

Description is below:
Three detachable shelves allow you to have as little or as much space as you need- as few as 2 shelves, or as many as six. Each shelf is 12.5" tall and 35" in diameter when fully assembled.

You'll dodge the two biggest threats to damp produce - fungus and rot - because these dry racks are made of a breathable mesh which allows quick drying and maximum ventilation.

Easily collapsible allows for quick and efficient storage. When collapsed it is 13" in diameter and 4" thick, and comes with a convenient carry case.

Easy to hang from any hook or bar on the ceiling.

You'll never have to worry about dropping a single leaf... ever again. Each section has protective walls keeping your harvest neatly organized and safely placed until perfectly dry.

Here is a link so you can see the picture because I could not paste the actual pic:

What do you all think of this idea? I could hang it in my garage or a spare room in my house depending on temp and humidity, and this would be so much better for me as far as convenience.

Btw, I've already read most of the curing thread, dry vs wet trim thread and many others...thank you all for the help.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Yes, those do work well for drying. I trim fan leaves and hang dry the branches for a few days, then trim and place them onto the mesh hangers for the final dry before cure. Good ventilation and use of space.


Well-Known Member
i been using that thing since i started
just rem u are laying them in there so one side goes a little flat but other then that the thing is the greatest tool for drying and curing
but with drying and curing u want to control ......temp/light/humidity/airflow

if u get yourself a secret jardin dr90 that rack fits in there with 4 lvls leaving room for u to add a fan and humidifier/dehumidifier ( u can get a bigger tent but the size of the rack and the size of the tent match perfectly )

i been using this method for 2 years now my drys take 7 days (unless it been raining ) after that i can jar them up and the weight is on point for the cure (or u can leave them in the tent just make sure u control the humidity aim for 50% )


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks. I ordered it today after also reading several positive reviews on the method. Thanks for your replies.


Well-Known Member
Used them here but when we switched to wet trim they all got flat spots and we had other problems. Now they dry trim for hash lol