Drying Question:)


Active Member
hey guys im at day 4 of drying and they feel nice and dry and getting a bit crispy but the stems are not snapping should i start curing or just wait for stems to snap


Well-Known Member
wait for them to snap, if you try to cure them half dry they will mush and we dont want that to happen.....................:)


Active Member
Hmmm, I'm a noob but isn't a snap'n stem almost too dry to start curing??? I thought when the stem bends with a lil' sound is a good call. Snaping means really dry I'd think....perhaps too dry.

They say once you get too dry, you can't go back. I suppose best bet is stick'em inna jar, check in an hour. If they are soggy, take'em back out.

OR do what I've yet to do myself....get a hydrometer from ebay and stick it in the jar, keep'em between 55-60 or so RH (don't quote me and read the stickies here)

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Cure your marijuana in a dark, dry, lightly ventilated area. Be patient, at the same time making sure the drying process proceeds at a reasonable rate. Wait until the small stalks snap when you try to break them. Opertive word small stalk. Not the main stalk!


Well-Known Member
Start your cure but keep an eye out for any excess moisture or condensation on the lids. Be prepared to let them re-dry a bit after some cure.


Active Member
just checked them and im with @840/2 i think that they would be too dry but i think these should be at the right time? , when i touch them they are very dry to the feel but my finger dies still get sticky when i give them a sqeeze but still no crunch noise when i bend the stem


Well-Known Member
I dry till snap jar them burp them check a good size nug if its still dry your good burp the jar for a couple weeks then store.


Well-Known Member
If you wait until the stems snap, you are not going to have a very long cure time. I dry for 3-4 days, until the outer part of the bud feels crispy. Then I move them to jars and use hygrometers. Rather than repost this information in great detail, check out my journals and look for the one about curing. In order for your buds to reach full potential, you'll want a reasonable cure time. Drying till the stem snaps and curing for 2 weeks is a great method if your goal is to sell the stuff as quick as possible. If it's your own smoke, I'd go for a longer cure.


Oustide crispy but stems still bend is a good time to start. There are a lot of curing tutorials on this site...