Drying without my parents finding out


Well-Known Member
Thanks G, would love to pass u da dutch right now, btw could someone tell me how to like a post?
Also if anyone has alternative methods, please share
You won't be able to "like" a post until you have some minimum number of posts, tho I don't know what that number is.
I'm approaching harvest time for my outdoor plants which my parents totally condone me growing, but they do not really want me having such a large amount of weed all at once, so, like they did last year, i think they will take most of my harvest once I've dried it and ration it.
What I want to do is dry one of the 3 plants 'secretly', so that they will take a lot of weed, but i will still have a fairly large amount myself. I dry in my closet, so my whole bedroom stinks, so i was thinking i could create some kind of drying box and put it under my bed. How could i do this for about 100g's of ganj, what would i need to put in the box, how long would it take, and give some alternatives to what your first choice would be (as i live on a small island i do not have much choice when shopping for anything).

Spread the knowledge, and thanks in advance :)
In your basement i think


Well-Known Member
What in the name of the Queen's English is that ?
Most likely not in her language, but for me it was a paper towel roll with dryer sheets loosely packed in it and some active carbon before that loosely packed in some ripped up cotton balls. My room already stunk like weed but I like to think this worked..

Edit: yes I meant put a spoof, not out... Steve jobs is an asshole

When I wasn't blowing my hits into the hallway I'd use a spoof when smoking too
im not your guy, friend... and this being the internet I'm as old as i say i am, which is 18 :)

Ah ok thx dude, will do this, although I wont be able to give the box it its own fan or my parents will see it... would a couple of hours a day be enough? Also do you think i could put one of those little disposable dehumidifier devices in the box as i wont be able to have the fan on it very much?
dont know the humidity around you or if your house has mold but some air exchange is a necessity. Opening the box should work, but can you have a fan on in you room, maybe across the room with hidden intent to put a breeze under your bead? Put holes in it like there is an animal in there and achieve a cross breeze if you can. Also pad the bottom with brown paper bags if you can't get ideal air flow.they will wick moisture much like the decant packets in shipping. Best of luck dude enjoy your harvest
Most likely not in her language, but for me it was a paper towel roll with dryer sheets loosely packed in it and some active carbon before that loosely packed in some ripped up cotton balls. My room already stunk like weed but I like to think this worked..

Edit: yes I meant put a spoof, not out... Steve jobs is an asshole

When I wasn't blowing my hits into the hallway I'd use a spoof when smoking too

dont know the humidity around you or if your house has mold but some air exchange is a necessity. Opening the box should work, but can you have a fan on in you room, maybe across the room with hidden intent to put a breeze under your bead? Put holes in it like there is an animal in there and achieve a cross breeze if you can. Also pad the bottom with brown paper bags if you can't get ideal air flow.they will wick moisture much like the decant packets in shipping. Best of luck dude enjoy your harvest
Thanks a lot, very helpful. I'm sure ill manage to dry it decently enough :)

I like the idea of ration it, they help you go further without running out.
yeah i was smoking last years harvest until this years autos were ready which wouldn't have happened had my weed been accessible to me xD