Dutch Master Gold nutes A B.


Active Member
hey guys I recently took a trip to my local hydro store to make my first pro buble bucket! It has 5 air stones for the 1 bucket and plant. I also made myself a little propagation bubler/cloner only 2 sites tough. Well my question is about Dutch Master Gold nutes I use the recomended doseage of 50 ml of each A abd B (A consist of 5-0-2.9, B is 1.5-1-3.5) to my 2.65 gal buble bucket well my plants leaves seem to be curling up on the sides yet no other signs of stress and groth has not stunted but my leaves are curling why? Also I would like to know the mixes of A B that you guys use?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
I use DM Gold.

50ml/10L will fry your plants. :o
For vegging my mature mums i only use 40ml/10L. Check the website for their nute calculator and get a ppm/ec meter. Till then use at 40% strength for seedlings (2 true sets of leaves) that is only 10ml ea A. and B. per 2.65usg or 10L and increase by 10ml per 10L every week or so till using it at 40ml/10L. I change my resevoirs every 10 days and it has always been necessary for me to add 1 ml calmag plus per L of solution and 2 teaspoon Epsom Salts for my entire 265L res. you need a tweezer full of Epsom salts-like 10 granules for those tiny 10L buckets. Otherwise i get Calcium and Mg deficiencies by day 8 or so. These doses I use at all stages. Good luck. Ph needs to be 5.8, temps 74-78, Rh 40-50% and I recommend the use of h2o2 as directed by Al and many others 'round heya.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Oh hey.....curling up is probably that mg def. setting in and/or too close to hid lights. if you have a 1kw light as I do your leaves will curl up a bit from the light and heat stress if they are allowed to get to close. If not then a few granules of Epsom salts and a res change should get it straightened out.

Better yet weigh two teaspoons Epsom Salts and divide by 26.5-that should be the right dose for 10L. Maybe a tenth of a gram if I had to guess.


Active Member
Wow I just happened to have some cal mag plus, I dumped half my water out and refilled with normal water and added 1.2 ml of cal mag plus sound good?. I just changed water yesteday and cleaned so no need to today. So on my next refil I should add about 20 ML of A and about 20 ML of B Dutch master gold and 1.2ml of cal mag plus? Tiny pic is down so I will get pics ASAP anyone know a site that lets you select a folder to upload an entire folder of pics?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Sounds good, you don't mention ph adjustment though and a proper ph of 5.6-5.8(+,-.1) is essential to nutrient uptake. You will encounter lockout of certain nutes at various levels and plants will suffer-severely (if they survive or bloom at all). Tap water is typically around 7.0 and should be adjusted down with a phosphoric acid/Ph down sauce available at the hydro store. A ph meter to go along with your EC meter is a must. Please tell me you have these items........if not they will cost you $200 or so for the pair-but the difference they make means harvesting a quarter or harvesting a quarter pound!!:weed:
When you get your EC meter you should follow the ppm recommendations for the various stages of growth. Don't trust a set measurement to achieve the exact ppm you are looking for.

!!!And make sure to never mix part a and b together as concentrates always add one at a time to your h2o. Nutrients will fall out of the concentrates if mixed together. Hope all this helps



Active Member
Ahh ya I adjusted my PH just now when adding water and cal mag I dont have a digital meter just the chemical one from general hydroponics and Im at a piss yellow color witch is about 5.8 as I make it a lil darker with more acid. I useally mix nutes as concentrate with a lil water in a cup and stir then add stired watered down nutes to a constantly bubleing bucket the thing is roaring and I get a redish residue above waer line I assume this is the bubles poping up and nutes drying above water line. I however did add 1.2 ML of cal mag directly to bucket. I dont have a PPM meter yet this is my first hydro grow Ive done a few outdoor grows. Pics verry soon!


Well-Known Member
I use these nutes grow a + b and also flower a + b , but i grow in soil , i love DM , the guy at the grow store recommended it , and i'm in love ( w the nutes , not the grow guy ) lol

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
ya sounds like your off and running just one concentrate at a time in the cup then the bucket. Reddish from the DM for sure. The DM flower nutes are purple and black, yumm, no color when mixed though so that will probably just leave the white salt residue. You will be good till you can get meters since it is a small, controlled (10L) bucket just be exact with your measurements-get a 60 ml syringe instead of the 500 ml graduated cylinders since your measurements are so small---better than trying to pour into those fuckin shot glasses from the hydro store. Good luck, don't be afraid to holler about the DM, it took a couple months for me to strike the right balance with their nutes


Well-Known Member
ahhh..gotcha man..sorry . I was just interested to see somone else try the same nutes as me,I tried asking in another thread to no avail . peace


Active Member

Well thats it for now as you see its a stealth bubleponic hydro gro with 65k CFLs Im worried about yeild under CFL as I have herd lots of bad things about light low yeild airy not dense buds. My only experience is outdoor and Im scared to run HPS as it seems too much trouble with a stealth grow with cool tubes and exaust and my limited space


Well-Known Member
I use DM Gold.

50ml/10L will fry your plants. :o
For vegging my mature mums i only use 40ml/10L. Check the website for their nute calculator and get a ppm/ec meter. Till then use at 40% strength for seedlings (2 true sets of leaves) that is only 10ml ea A. and B. per 2.65usg or 10L and increase by 10ml per 10L every week or so till using it at 40ml/10L. I change my resevoirs every 10 days and it has always been necessary for me to add 1 ml calmag plus per L of solution and 2 teaspoon Epsom Salts for my entire 265L res. you need a tweezer full of Epsom salts-like 10 granules for those tiny 10L buckets. Otherwise i get Calcium and Mg deficiencies by day 8 or so. These doses I use at all stages. Good luck. Ph needs to be 5.8, temps 74-78, Rh 40-50% and I recommend the use of h2o2 as directed by Al and many others 'round heya.
I just picked up some DM gold from my local HP store on the sales guy's word. Why do you become calmag deficient? Shouldn't the 2-part solution have everything in it that it's supposed to? Should I consider a different brand to start with possibly?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Well thats it for now as you see its a stealth bubleponic hydro gro with 65k CFLs Im worried about yeild under CFL as I have herd lots of bad things about light low yeild airy not dense buds. My only experience is outdoor and Im scared to run HPS as it seems too much trouble with a stealth grow with cool tubes and exaust and my limited space
Plants look pretty good-all things considered, curling might be from the light-don't know how hot cfls are but it looks real close. I know you can keep them close just don't know how close-some of the cfl growers may be able to tell you-could be the beginning of Mg def (looks like mine did) CaMg Plus doesnt have enough mg (1.2%) to do much-never did for me-Epsom Salts-$9.00 for a lifetime supply at the drug store may be required.

Yield and density will definately suffer under flos. But you are the only one who can make security decisions for your op.

Better to yield what you can than put the op at risk.
I am happy to help where I can but the DM is about the only thing our ops have in common. feel free to post if you have any probs and if you do Epsom Salts pleeeeease don't o.d. your babies-see previous posts regarding dosing
Good Luck.

I just picked up some DM gold from my local HP store on the sales guy's word.
cool-its good stuff. I even like the smell.
Why do you become calmag deficient?
I run 96 plants on each of my 265L resevoirs. My hypothesis is that the 5L of solution per plant rule has been slashed to less that 2.75L per plant. I HAVE TO change my resevoirs every 10 days because of this otherwise there is no fuel left in the tanks for the last few days.
I also assume from my horticultural background that cannabis uses more Ca and Mg than your average ornamental or food crop. I go on to assume a couple other things such as the fact that these are hydroponic nutes not cannabis nutes-remember some people actually grow lettuce, tomatoes and peppers like this-therefore the manufactureres have to create a balanced formula that is marketable to and can be applied to a wide range of hydro crops.
Shouldn't the 2-part solution have everything in it that it's supposed to?
Yep. See previous paragraph
Should I consider a different brand to start with possibly?
I like DM but there are some other good ones out there-see what works. If you read some other threads carefully you will find other growers using different brands supplementing as well.

Hope all this helps.



Well-Known Member
I like DM but there are some other good ones out there-see what works. If you read some other threads carefully you will find other growers using different brands supplementing as well.

Hope all this helps.

Yep it did help. I must be learning quicker than I though since when typing out that reply, I almost asked if the calmag was a cannabis specific issue, so maybe my instincts in this hobby will be pretty good. :bigjoint:

I have been reading the nutes section of the forums and trying to learn about some of these other additives like the beneficial bacteria/fungi, bloom enhancing hormones, etc.
I'm going to do this grow without anything except the 2-parts, CO2, and any supplements my plants tell me they need. I will use this for the control when comparing some of these other additives, especially since some of them are outrageously priced (but if they pay for themselves, who cares right?)
Without getting into a discussion of why (since I can look that stuff up), can you share what else you use in your system (boosters, foliage sprays, CO2?)

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
I use DM A & B
Cal Mag Plus
Epsom Salt

35%h2o2-THIS IS A MUST USE (not the beneficial bacteria crap, 35% h202 at 1.7ml/L nutes every 3-4 days will keep your tanks looking like bottled drinking water-crystal clear.)

Using Big Bud from Adv Nutrients (i think-hold on.......yep Advanced makes it)

BB is 0-15-40-i use in flower weeks 4,5 & 6 at like 20-25% the recommended dose

No magic sauces-No material-data-safety-sheet no sale.

No foliar sprays-Don't know when i could possibly apply them under HID. Nothing but probs when you flower too.

All tanks are run at 5.8ph (dead nuts), airstones, changed every 10 days, etc

I grow according to Al B Fucts recipes for success. Chemicals and Science. So far so good.........

Oh, and Hydroponic........sorry we are jacking your thread.
Mindphuk feel free to post a new thread for your queries so we don't keep burying this one.


Active Member
I dont bother worrying about such trivial things as a hijacked thread hijack away the more knolage spread the better. Although you might have missed this https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/133597-white-hairs.html had a few more questions on this plant as I am verry interrested in the genetics of it and I want to clone it but Im not sure how and how long I should wait before cutting a leaf set and I dont know how to pick a set with good chances of rooting dose it matter?
Ok. Which means your roots are not submerged in full strength solutions or flooded or dripped with full strength solutions. Your soil is buffering the roots whereas we have no buffer.
I am using DM Gold A+B, DM Silica and the site says to use nothing else however i also use diamond nectar and my girls are doing great. i will say it is a pretty high amount and i was worried i would burn them but its working out fine.
It also sounds like people have had a lot of problems but the DM gold is different then just the A+b and that could be the real problem