DWC or Ebb and Flow?


My first meeting at the grow shop was to start with a DWC system and the owner talked me out of it and into dirt...when will I ever learn "not" to listen!?
My room is running high 85 deg- low 68 night time. I have 2000 sf ft with ready access to water and an unending supply of barrels. Currently I am running 1000 W for flower and 600 for veg and if I hadn't of viewed a hydro system this past week I would probably have been satisfied.
Question? I've decided to replace the system....DWC or ebb and flow? I worry about water temp and it getting too high. I know how to heat it up but how do you bring it down without constantly sitting there monitoring the temp?
Whats the most economical and user friendly system? I have been locked into this dirt for a few months now and can't leave the house for a night. The grow shop owner told me if I went with DWC in Michigan I would get root rot, but of course his opinion is not as valuable as once thought. The hydro system I viewed was using 4 and 600W and the results were awesome with no CO2.