DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


Well-Known Member
themlouds, if you see a small bit of slime from your recent temp. spike, I would try some H2O2 first if you want to avoid using a tea or other type of neutralizer. the H2O2, combined with chilled water, should take care of any biological growth. and after a few days or even hours the H2O2 will dissipate anyway. try and use the high-grade H2O2 ... I believe it is about 30%, rather than the consumer-grade 3% stuff.

good luck, cheers



Active Member
I think I've read on ome of the topics that pondzyme kills other bennies. Can anyome confirm that? Is pondzyme too agressive to be used with EWC tea?


Well-Known Member
I read in the beginning not to use chlorintaed water.
Is this only for the tea or the res as well?

If for the res that Ill have to skip this tea, asI have a 55 gall res and no r/o system.


Well-Known Member
Spanky Im pretty sure it doesnt just from observation... Although its all relative too dosage I guess..i was using some what aggressively in the beginning..a nice tip of a teaspoon to 35 liters of water..did great job of nullifying bacteria..plants showing relief..but when I added the store bought worm juice, thats when the roots sprang forth and normal vigor was resumed...


Well-Known Member
@bassman it would be a requirement in tea making...i use straight tap water in res and doesn't noticebly affect...its all subjective too how much chlorine is in your water?


Well-Known Member
@bassman it would be a requirement in tea making...i use straight tap water in res and doesn't noticebly affect...its all subjective too how much chlorine is in your water?
Thanx for the reply.
The tap water doesnt have much smell.
I have no way of testing, but acc to my local water dist. rep it is low


Rebel From The North
I brew tea from wellwater and city water and under the microscope theres very little less
microlife with city water. I agree on checking on the volume of chorine your city uses but
if you fill a 55gal barrel with city water and put a few air stones in there it will bubble the
chorine out pretty fast!


Well-Known Member
I brew tea from wellwater and city water and under the microscope theres very little less
microlife with city water. I agree on checking on the volume of chorine your city uses but
if you fill a 55gal barrel with city water and put a few air stones in there it will bubble the
chorine out pretty fast!
This is what I was hoping to hear


Well-Known Member
My res temps range from 60-65 f, wondering if the tea will be beneficial in these kind of temps? Ive heard the bennies thrive in higher res temps? Been running it for a few weeks now with no issues besides stained roots spiked PH.


Active Member
Andia, my temps are similar. I think you will have bacterial activity. Perhaps not as much as on higher temps, but I think you'll do fine.