Dying after Transplant

Mr. Pif

Active Member
I took my plants from one big pot and moved them to their own smaller pots outside.3 of the plants look the same but one is now wilting. What shud I do???


Well-Known Member
If you have any willow tree's near your house go out and get some of the fresh green growths. Make some willow water and water your plants with that. It'll help out with the roots.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty much all you can do, is make sure the soil is moist, and wait. That plant probably just suffered more root damage than the others, and'll bounce back soon.


I just transplanted my Auto white Moscow seedlings (10 days) and a few of the seedlings look to be "looking" funny after a few hours. Hoping they don't die. Please what do you suggest I do to make them survive the stress of transplanting? Thank you

Yeah, pretty much all you can do, is make sure the soil is moist, and wait. That plant probably just suffered more root damage than the others, and'll bounce back soon.


Active Member
First thing you can do is start your own thread :)
Second thing to remember is to avoid transplanting any auto flowering strains.


Active Member
Mr. Pif, its hard to tell without a picture, but it sound like you just incured a little transplant shock, it aint no thang. You can add a little asprin, or some Vitamin B, or some Super Thrive and it will reduce stress. But just give it a few days to recover and it will perk back up.


Active Member
i just transplanted this grape ape to a 5 gl. of FFoF soil yesterday. It all started this morning. I havent watered or added any nutes since the soaking. Any advice???grapeshock.jpg


Well-Known Member
I took my plants from one big pot and moved them to their own smaller pots outside.3 of the plants look the same but one is now wilting. What shud I do???
Do it look dead or just droopy? Looking dead is under watering and droopy is over watering,i should know i had both problems.I have an active thread called "fuck my whole crop is ruined" which came from under watering even though i knew it they needed water but was under dyer circumstances.
I took my plants from one big pot and moved them to their own smaller pots outside.3 of the plants look the same but one is now wilting. What shud I do???

if it was a transplant shok, next time start the seeds in idividual cups so you dont disturb the roots wen you transplant to bigger pots... ;D


Active Member
i just got a ph tester and got distilled water to 5.6ish, i added a little malasses and FF Big Bloom. Just soaked the top soil a little. Went back out around 20 minutes later and they are slowly perking back up. Should i be using PHdown on all my feedings since my water here is hard. round 7 ph. Hoping it comes around =D thanks for the info