Early California - 6 clones (125w Purple CFL) - Flowering (400W HPS)


Well-Known Member
Ya, That Right, That Will Be Great Timing!!!!,,,,,,You Got Some CFL's Over You Seedling's????
yeah man, 125watt cfl - 8900- 10000 lumens ......... 25000k

and i've got the red cfl running aswell..... should i just let the purple cfl burn ? or can i leave em both over the seedling.... ?


Well-Known Member
DAY 30 - Clones - OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Pood my pants ^^ hahaha

--- Just a little bud i harvested ;) ------

Now she is the smalles of em all.......... and wow is she bulky :)

Smallest plant - Bud shot site

Still the smallest - oh and those shoes aint mine just looks like i'm wearing em ;) how gay that looks ^^

Main Cola of smallest Plant

2nd smallest plant.... :) WOW

OMG This is gona be a great harvest ^^

3rd smallest plant .... need some n-p-k 6-8-8 well we will see if i was correct.... hope that the leaf's will perk back up ! She's doing better than her mother ;)
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Well-Known Member
:) yeah fdd they are real good me and my friend from kroatie went and smoke'd a whole 2g's of my smoke today at the see..... very stoned ^^

haha thnx for droping by yo........ Next Project 100 plants.... ! 5x 600 Watts is that enough... ?


Well-Known Member
:) yeah fdd they are real good me and my friend from kroatie went and smoke'd a whole 2g's of my smoke today at the see..... very stoned ^^

haha thnx for droping by yo........ Next Project 100 plants.... ! 5x 600 Watts is that enough... ?
5 is an odd number to arrange. you need 6. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thnx guys

there starting to fucking smell my bedromm up hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

guess i need a carbon filter now :D


Well-Known Member
Couldnt wait any longer havnt got any smoke left in about 4 day's so need to have some


He saying its mine bitch ^^

leafs dunno if i can use..... make a tea this evening ^^

Its fucking Dence !

All yellow leafs gone now..

going through this ..... makes me sad that i smoked her allready hahahaaaaaaaaaaa

crazy huh :D ?

ahhhhh thnx early cali u rock'd my world :) R.I.P :peace: