Electing Hillary would be dangerous


Well-Known Member
wow, i can't believe the stance Mccain took today about NAFTA.
The guy was on shaky ground for my vote as it was.
Hes gona champion NAFTA now?(without question? wtf?)
Mccain could have just said, everyone gets friday off but joepro, who has to work sundays too!.....I'm like where the fuck did that come from!? fuck that guy!!
down to nadder or stay home.
no, no no, thank you John!..


Well-Known Member
wow, i can't believe the stance Mccain took today about NAFTA.
The guy was on shaky ground for my vote as it was.
Hes gona champion NAFTA now?(without question? wtf?)
Mccain could have just said, everyone gets friday off but joepro, who has to work sundays too!.....I'm like where the fuck did that come from!? fuck that guy!!
down to nadder or stay home.
no, no no, thank you John!..
he's like a little rickety, angry puppetman or something. he was all shaky.



New Member
If B. Hussein O'Bama wins in November, he's gonna bring all of his sleazy, Chicago political hacks with him. Can anyone say "Mayor Daley?" I't will be Bill Clinton on steroids without the blow jobs.



Well-Known Member
If B. Hussein O'Bama wins in November, he's gonna bring all of his sleazy, Chicago political hacks with him. Can anyone say "Mayor Daley?" I't will be Bill Clinton on steroids without the blow jobs.

He's already started. Obama appointed Eric Holder to be on his three person vice-president search. Holder was the deputy attorney general who enabled Marc Rich to be pardoned under President Bill Clinton. He recommended an attorney to represent Rich, Jack Quinn - former counsel to the president.

He advised Quinn on the timing of the pardon request and congratulated Quinn after the pardon was granted. In 2002, a committee in Congress named Holder as a "willing participant in the plan to keep the Justice Department from knowing about and opposing" the pardon for Marc Rich.

Anyone who thinks the hard part of the race is over should think again. This party is just getting started. The right will have a field day with Barry Hussein Obama. The garbologists and happy hatchet men are drooling in anticipation.


Well-Known Member
When? It's not on the Drudge Report. She said she will make an announcement Saturday where everyone expects her to concede the nomination. She's only doing that because of incredible pressure put on her by fellow Democrats tired of the enduring image of a fractured party she symbolizes.

I hope Obama selects her for the VP slot. THAT'S change we can believe in!


Well-Known Member
I hope Obama selects her for the VP slot. THAT'S change we can believe in!
Forced health care, higher taxes and no real merrit?....Thats change I can do without!
"WE" as in you and me,were in alot of trouble.
This why Ive been looking for work over seas.
I can only hope I'm able to watch from a far, while some get what they beg for.


Well-Known Member
Forced health care, higher taxes and no real merrit?....Thats change I can do without!
"WE" as in you and me,were in alot of trouble.
This why Ive been looking for work over seas.
I can only hope I'm able to watch from a far, while some get what they beg for.
I was saying I would like to see an Obama/Rodham ticket because I believe it would guarantee a Democratic defeat in the fall.

Obama is going to be wearing a bullseye where ever he goes, with the KKK lurking. If Clinton is VP she might become president if Obama makes a lot of public appearances. Maybe I'm wrong, idk, time will tell.


The Klan is a paper tiger. They, like other hate groups, are being continuously monitored by many organizations, both private and official. They won't get anywhere near him.

Recent history suggests the most successful assassin is a deranged ally: Consider Anwar Sadat, Yitzhak Rabin and Benazir Bhutto.


Well-Known Member
YouTube - The KKK wants to kill Barack Obama.

Obama is going to be wearing a bullseye where ever he goes, with the KKK lurking. If Clinton is VP she might become president if Obama makes a lot of public appearances. Maybe I'm wrong, idk, time will tell.



The Klan? bla hahahaha.
no more youtube for you!
Just how meany black senators have been killed by the Klan in your life time?
Maybe, because of billarys clear racism, the black panther party will kill them too.:mrgreen:

Personaly, I could careless if they killed all 500+ of them.-Have at it, boys!


Well-Known Member
The Klan? bla hahahaha.
no more youtube for you!
Just how meany black senators have been killed by the Klan in your life time?
Maybe, because of billarys clear racism, the black panther party will kill them too.:mrgreen:

Personaly, I could careless if they killed all 500+ of them.-Have at it, boys!
You and JohnnyO have good points.

I'm not in the KKK and I don't know anyone in the KKK(or ever for that matter), but from what I heave heard growing up, the KKK is a group not to be messed with.

It didn't seem like much of a problem killing JFK though, :cry:and he was a good president too(I'm not talking about the KKK killing JFK...Joe ;-)). So I guess I'm just saying that anything could happen when there are people/hit-men looking to kill a public figure..:cry:

IDK, I'm baked right now ~lol~:blsmoke:


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Well-Known Member
You and JohnnyO have good points.

I'm not in the KKK and I don't know anyone in the KKK(or ever for that matter), but from what I heave heard growing up, the KKK is a group not to be messed with. It didn't seem like much of a problem killing JFK though. :cry:(and he was a good president too). So I guess I'm just saying that anything could happen when there are people/hit-men looking to kill a public figure..:cry:

IDK, I'm baked right now ~lol~:blsmoke:
Wait, you think the Kuless klick killed JFK?:mrgreen: dam, you're baked!
1926 the Klan marched Washingtion DC-democratic party :mrgreen:
The '26 klan was in almost every state and had a grip on this country like none-other.(besided masons and todays government)

In 1963, The klan at this point is down on the food chain, living in the past and is fighting against civil rights,, and losing badly. Burnings of baptist churchs, racially motivated fights and ahold of the south is where they were at this point. The klan, I feel wasn't able to pull off such an "inside job" or even in a position to try without it being very messy.

..but yea, who knows, right?


Well-Known Member
Wait, you think the Kuless klick killed JFK?:mrgreen: dam, you're baked!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry joe....:lol: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Sorry..... I'm going to edit my last post.

I wasn't trying to imply that JFK was killed by the KKK. HAHAHA But it does look that way, how that post looked. I was just giving an example.

I guess when I'm really baked I don't pay attention as much as I should have. Thanks for the info about the KKK joe, I'm still a young buck(in my early twenties) and have a lot of history to pay attention to that I never was taught in school or payed attention to while growing up.




New Member
Who is "we" and how do you figure "we" deserve what we get?
You know those buddies of your's and all the other guys you see who drive those mile-high pickup trucks with the Rotweiller in the bed with the scarf around it's neck? The guys who, when they jump out, are wearing those shoes that look like freakin' Corvettes? You know the guys, the ones with the stud earrings, the tank-tops, the long greasy hair, the five-day beard and the tattoos that make them into one-of-a-kind individualists? You know them ... they are all alike. They are the ones, when you mention liberty to them respond with: Liber-Tee? Liber-Tee? Wah, hell's bells man, Ah thought Liber-Tee was a done deal!?"

Those guys are "The We."

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Well-Known Member
shoes that look like corvettes, lol....you lost me there....I cant say that I know any people like that


Well-Known Member
the five-day beard
Hey hey, take it easy Vi! I sometimes grow out my beard. Your stepping over the line with that one:lol: HAHA

No, I hear ya. The people that are ignorant because they haven't been introduced to political awareness. The people who go about their lives looking to make more money so they can improve their life styles. The people that think having more money will make things all better.

Actually, I'm describing myself from 6 months ago. I had no idea about all of this.

This is why I advocate a truth revolution/wave! The people will never know unless someone tells them- we all know the media isn't going to say anything. Its our(my) job to help inform the masses about this stuff.

I have a DVD burner. If someone is computer savvy enough to make a DVD on all the pertinent info about the truth, than I would gladly make many copies and pass them out to colleges or wherever.

