
Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
need more info but do you have a fan on them? Just from the looks they look burned. Is it soil or hydro?


Active Member
Hmm, Im a complete newb, but maybe I can help.

There are 2 things that may help, and this helped mine when it started to do that.

Do you water your plant alot? or a little bit? It could be caused from either over watering, or under watering. If thats the case, change up your watering a little bit.

Also, this sounds stupid, but I've done it to mine. If its starting to yellow, change your watering to the opposite of what your doing now and cut a few stems off. like 2-3. What that will do is is redirect the nurtrients to the rest of the plant and give it more of a chance to survive.

Btw, a damn good looking plant in the first pic.


Well-Known Member
what happened, they went from the way they look in the first pic to the way they look in the last two. the leaves look shriveled and are turning yellow. what happened, and what can I do to fix it? thanks for your help.
Repot it immediately into a fresh pot of soil and water thoroughly, it'll slowly recover in a few days. Looks like toxic salt build up to me, I'm assuming you've never flushed it? I don't advise you to flush, it can cause more problems that it solves.

Repot it.


Well-Known Member
Mine used to do that all the time! they'd be fresh and perky i nthe morning and later in the eavening theyde be all sad and droopy and shit. I just laid of fthe Nutrients and gave them plenty of pure water. try that, it should solve your problem


Active Member
the plants are like 2-3 weeks from harvest by the calender, how can I repot it? just need a bigger pot you think? I dumped fresh potting soil on the top of the old soil with the spare room, is this good you think? my rationale is that the new soil will help replenish some of the old soil where the roots are? thanks again


Well-Known Member
did u use some kind of liquid bloom plant fertilizer thing?? cuz i used that and it instantly killed my plants (nooby mistake) looked just like yours. mine just died, but im sure you can save them. use a bigger pot, transplant to new soil. but i dont know since ur close to harvesting..idk about transplanting. well one time i didnt water mine for a week and they did that, i just watered them 2 times as much in one day in they looked perfect the next day. so try that if its a watering issue. good luck and sorry if my advice was no help


Active Member
yes I did use that liquid bloom, why is that bad? that sucks that they sold it to me when its not going to work. is there a way to make it work? or does it just not happen? thanks for the advice man, I plan on trying to repot today, wish me luck. thanks.