Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
Sorry the pics are not the best. Using my phone and the screen is cracked so could only see what they looked like now.

Anyway it's my first scrog, currently in second day of flower.

I would have liked to have removed more lower foliage by now but rushed to flip the lights due to time and worried about over growing my screen. Will be sorting this out over the next couple days.

Any advise is welcome.

Peace :)



Well-Known Member
Hi Shackleford.R

I'm sure some1 will help out with a bit more info for you soon but for now you could probably build you own versions just from the information in this thread.All that picture is really, is a very small scrog.

It does look pretty neat and tidy but with a bit of practise you could build and even better setup :)


Well-Known Member
my post got lost on the last page.
any details about this grow? a thread maybe?
this is a cool setup and would make an easy transition for me from my current grow style.

Sorry Buddy! Didnt forget ya!

Im sorry I dont know how I didnt post the reply I had written to you, however the response was that I dont have any information on that grow unfortunately. I pulled that set of pics from the net after searching "Scrog" from google. What would you ask if you could? maybe I can help...?


Well-Known Member
Sorry the pics are not the best. Using my phone and the screen is cracked so could only see what they looked like now.

Anyway it's my first scrog, currently in second day of flower.

I would have liked to have removed more lower foliage by now but rushed to flip the lights due to time and worried about over growing my screen. Will be sorting this out over the next couple days.

Any advise is welcome.

Peace :)
Hey there Pal!
Glad to see you up and running! Well things look nice, I have a few questions out of curiosity. Whats the tape at the base of the plant? bug or support? Just curious. Looks like a repair but I was thinking taping with bug tape would not be a bad suggestion to folks who feel they may be at risk.. Just a thought.

What are you running for lighting? Is that organic in a trash can or DWC or what?

Well, I would suggest removing any growth that is below your screen which yellows of course, however you can make an educated guess about what leaves are going to have the opportunity at light or not and remove those along with ones that are not healthy looking. Anything that looks pail, discolored, dull, etc. However, anything thats near the screen getting full light, or even vegetation that seems to be doing well regardless of shading, you may want to leave alone for a few days. I like minimizing the stress during transitioning from veg to bloom, its just helpful.

Peace brother, and keep us up!



Well-Known Member

home made 1" PVC stand, V-ed scrog design, Two plant set up with a plastic container probably near 2 liters or better, heavily perlite medium, likely a 50watt HPS, Sativa looking hybrid from seed I would suspect but not certain, Aluminum foil likely used for its reflective property.

My guess....


Well-Known Member
I would also note the mobility of this unit. This idea could be expanded to as large a design as you wish, and could be simply done with individual bucket set ups.

Good eyes Shackleford R.!


Well-Known Member
How did I miss ya buddy!?
Sorry bout that!

Well it looks great! You should be fine, certainly you can remove the growth below the screen, however I think the argument is "when?".

Removing the leaf that covers bud sites will slow the stretch and deliver light to the site. Leaving it will trigger the plants response to stretch giving space between internodes. (as to how much will be strain dependent, and of course effected by the light distance from canopy)
Thanks for the advice Woodsman..
If i get a chance tonight I'll give them a trim underneath..
I guess it just expieriance to know how much to cut off..


Well-Known Member
"I guess it just experience to know how much to cut off.. "

Certianly True!
Thus what ever you do, you have gained from in your bank of experience.


Well-Known Member
you answered most of the questions i would have. mainly the medium being used.
also just the design of things. the PVC is also acting as a stand under the container?
so its a stand and screen all in one? very cool! i might throw one of these together down the road.
oh and please, call me Shack :p



Well-Known Member
Your full of knowledge Woodsman.. thanks..

I was looking at a vertical scrog... Thinking of attempting one maybe next year once i've a few flat scrogs under my belt..

Whats you view on vertical scrog...?

Thanks again..


Well-Known Member
Im not sure im allowed to post a link to another forum or anything similar but i found this and it looks great, plus it might give ppl some good ideas.
If this is not allowed pls remove this post.
Thanks for the link!:mrgreen:

If this thread has links to the best resources for scrog available, the goal here is being met! If there is a link to this forum because its the best resource to information about scrog, be it posted or linked, well than that too mets the goal!


Well-Known Member
If I you were to design a scrog proto for sale, how would you sell the idea of scrog in your ad for the product or line your selling?

Hows this?



Well-Known Member
Huh i must be invisible? Not welcome?

I believe we are all welcome here :) Think there's just been a lot of chatter over the last couple days. I saw you pics just before posting mine but forgot all about them after the hassle I had uploading mine :confused:

Looks like a nice neat setup, guessing a lot of planning has gone into this? Hope to see some more pics when you get scrogging.


Well-Known Member
Hey there Pal!
Glad to see you up and running! Well things look nice, I have a few questions out of curiosity. Whats the tape at the base of the plant? bug or support? Just curious. Looks like a repair but I was thinking taping with bug tape would not be a bad suggestion to folks who feel they may be at risk.. Just a thought.

What are you running for lighting? Is that organic in a trash can or DWC or what?

Well, I would suggest removing any growth that is below your screen which yellows of course, however you can make an educated guess about what leaves are going to have the opportunity at light or not and remove those along with ones that are not healthy looking. Anything that looks pail, discolored, dull, etc. However, anything thats near the screen getting full light, or even vegetation that seems to be doing well regardless of shading, you may want to leave alone for a few days. I like minimizing the stress during transitioning from veg to bloom, its just helpful.

Peace brother, and keep us up!


It started out as a 20ltr DWC setup but when deciding to switch to scrog I thought I would need to extra root space. Turned out my kitchen bin holds the bucket quite well so cut the bottom off, put it in and made it light tight.

The tape is unfortunately to fix a break. Nothing too serious but more for preventing further damage. So far (touch wood) I've been ok on the bug front.

Was using a 400mh and have just switched to 600hps coolstar, got my light very nice and close :D

Thanks for the heads up on stress, it's the one thing I'm trying most to avoid.

Peace :peace: