Evaporating tincture?


New Member
I have some mason jars of tincture I made with 76% alcohol. It is great/very potent. Moving houses and need to reduce the volume for transport weight. If I leave the lid off the mason jars and let the liquid evaporate naturally (no fan etc) until the liquid is say 25% of the starting volume, do I lose any THC? My plan was to add more alcohol post-transport to bring back to original liquid volume.
No loss of thc, but rather a concentration of potency, so your post-transport plan is spot on if you plan same dosage.

Your THC (resin) will also come out of solution as your percent water increases and the alcohol decreases.

Yes you can evaporate away the alcohol. Faster in a shallow dish with more surface area.

You would have to lose most of the alcohol for the THC to precipitate.