Extra clones....ideas???


Active Member
I'm just starting my second go-around, I've planted 9 clones in 5Gal buckets, but i'm maxed out for space (and light too, single 1000w HPS for now)
I was given 20 clones, but only had room for the 9, so now I have 11 of these babies just sitting in a tray and I really dont know what to do with them.
If i decide to keep them I'm thinking of setting up some Flouro tubes in a closet to keep them alive....any suggestions? I have extra space to veg, but I dont want to buy another big ass light to fully veg/flower these.
suggestions? should I just find another home for these?


Well-Known Member
you could give them low light and just enought nutrients to keep them alive until you are ready to move them.


Active Member
o to walmart and get some 13 watt cfls, there bout 2 bucks a piece they will keep them alive


Active Member
should I just plant them in some party cups?? keep them alive until the others finish, then use these to veg? will they still be good then?
I was planning on cutting clones off the ones i'm growing once they are bigger, then use those clones, kind of keep a perpetual grow going.
how long will they stay alive like this??


Active Member
as long as u want them to, just give them light and water and there should be no limit but why save them if ur gunna cut more??

+ rep


Active Member
what kind of issues do you mean? You mean i'm better off cloning off the plants that i'm growing than keeping these ones going?


Active Member
I think thats what I might do....should I put them in party cups or keep them in something smaller? they are just in rockwool puck thingies (technical term) right now


Well-Known Member
If you have only one set up, like one light and such. Then trying to have clones survive for 2+ months will not be easy, and if you start to fail and have to toss them it will really suck to put out all that time and labor for nothing.
I have learned the hard way and now when it's time to kick the clones not good enough, or extra, I just toss and concentrate on whats staying. I try not to get attached like you are now. But I do understand that it is hard to kill a sacred plant.


Well-Known Member
I say put all the extras straight into flower in a seperate cab. I mean since your gunna be taking cuttings anyway you might as well get a early sampler from the extra clones of what to expect from your bigger yielding plants. Plus it wouldn't be such a waste of clones if you get a little smoke out of them.


Active Member
Are you growing in soil or hydro? If soil you can use the party cups but make sure to make some drainage holes in the bottom of them. When ready transplant into your flowering containers. When I used clones in a hydo setup I would place the clones in net pots with hydroton and let them develop lots of roots under my humidity dome till the time came to fill in flowering space.
GoldenGanja13 has a very good point tho. If it seem like to much work or too much more $$$ to invest the you should probably scrap them or donate to friends or hey give them to me and be done with it all:wink::lol:. Either way good luck with your situation!:bigjoint:


Active Member
I say put all the extras straight into flower in a seperate cab. I mean since your gunna be taking cuttings anyway you might as well get a early sampler from the extra clones of what to expect from your bigger yielding plants. Plus it wouldn't be such a waste of clones if you get a little smoke out of them.
This was what I was going to recommend doing, why not have them flower in party cups? we've all heard of or seen the party cup grow offs on this site. It could turn into quite the interesting side-journal ;)