Hi guys.
I just had a quite interesting conversation with a hemp producer. Please give me your thoughts!
First, when I asked for higher cannabinoid concentration hemp, to be able to make higher concentration oil, he refereed me to PRESSING the oil! Putting it back in the boiler, and doing it over and over again.
Well.. That was a nice approach for better yield, but I cannot see how this could gain cannabinoid percentage?
Can anyone explain what he meant? -Here is a pic of his press he sent me:

Nice setup! Just throw in the hot oil with the weed! Probably just misunderstood each-other about percentage though?...
But the interesting part. He asked me:
Just try! You'll be surprised he said! -As you are concerned about entourage, I'll promise you this is not a joke!!...
Grind it, put it in capsules, and THEN decarb the capsules. -You'll keep ALL terps inside the capsules! -Just keep some foil above so you don't burn them from the oven heating elements...
The capsules stand the heat perfectly well, they just get a little dry on the outside, and all the terps will suck into the gelatine!...
What do you think?
I know you guys have told me you are eating your keif or hash, but the buds??...
What about all this talk about getting it right in your bloodstream?
And metabolism throwing most of the CBD content out the drain?....
Any thoughts?
In the meantime, I have been doing MCT oil with Lecithin, and I am getting amazing results!
Now I have diluted all down to 5% THC with the "Royal Domina Landrace" I have, and still only need a few drops of the stuff!
Not to mention how little is needed for skin application to take effect!

It is just a shame it is SO difficult to get any conclusive answers how to approach...
As I said, more and more questions appear as more I am learning...
I just had a quite interesting conversation with a hemp producer. Please give me your thoughts!
First, when I asked for higher cannabinoid concentration hemp, to be able to make higher concentration oil, he refereed me to PRESSING the oil! Putting it back in the boiler, and doing it over and over again.
Well.. That was a nice approach for better yield, but I cannot see how this could gain cannabinoid percentage?
Can anyone explain what he meant? -Here is a pic of his press he sent me:

Nice setup! Just throw in the hot oil with the weed! Probably just misunderstood each-other about percentage though?...
Btw. I have been doing really fast straining using a "Buchner funnel" and vacuum. (as I have a motorcycle workshop I just used my compressor and brake-fluid changer for vacuum)

Can really recommend that! But that press setup was also quite interesting!

But the interesting part. He asked me:
Just try! You'll be surprised he said! -As you are concerned about entourage, I'll promise you this is not a joke!!...
Grind it, put it in capsules, and THEN decarb the capsules. -You'll keep ALL terps inside the capsules! -Just keep some foil above so you don't burn them from the oven heating elements...
The capsules stand the heat perfectly well, they just get a little dry on the outside, and all the terps will suck into the gelatine!...
What do you think?
I know you guys have told me you are eating your keif or hash, but the buds??...
What about all this talk about getting it right in your bloodstream?
And metabolism throwing most of the CBD content out the drain?....
Any thoughts?
In the meantime, I have been doing MCT oil with Lecithin, and I am getting amazing results!
Now I have diluted all down to 5% THC with the "Royal Domina Landrace" I have, and still only need a few drops of the stuff!
Not to mention how little is needed for skin application to take effect!
- My lady has got rid of nearly all her nerve damage pain and cramps from cancer treatment/operations I have mentioned before!
- Myself can sure confirm much less joint pains! And for a few days now I have not been using my high bloodpressure pharma, and measured quite a drop in blood-pressure an hour or two after intake or skin application! (It does rice a bit at first)
- My 30 yo. son with destroyed knees has been pain-free and sleeping as a child!
- The paralysed traffic victim he work for, have had a pain-free spasm-free night for the first time in a year and are overwilmed!!

It is just a shame it is SO difficult to get any conclusive answers how to approach...
As I said, more and more questions appear as more I am learning...