Oh, that totally justifies getting her arm broken by a steroid addled man. That should teach her not to be a schizophrenic who just lost her mother.
1 Quote where I ever justified the excessive use of force

The cop got fired and justifiably so. Why you being such a pud?
If a cop can't handle a situation where a teenage girl (who is shizophrenis and who just lost her mother) refuses to stand up from her desk but isn't harming anyone, he shouldn't b a cop. Instead of blaming the child for the actions of a steroid addled policeman, you should get the cop dick out of your mouth.
Her Mother isn't dead
And she is not a schizophrenic
That would be you going on and on about her responsibility for the incident.
Right let's teach everyone that there's no responcibility. Then you'll have a people that commit more crime, have more fatherless children and are dependent on government.

Ohhhh wait that's true and what's happening. I mean somebody's gotta pay for laqueshas 16 babies!
If a cop can't handle a situation where a teenage girl (who is shizophrenis and who just lost her mother) refuses to stand up from her desk but isn't harming anyone, he shouldn't b a cop. Instead of blaming the child for the actions of a steroid addled policeman, you should get the cop dick out of your mouth.
She is NOT schizophrenic
and she did NOT lose her mother

I'm being selective? Get the cop dick out of your mouth. All of you.
Paraphrasing an unknown to me quote, when the laws are so innumerable that you cannot live your daily life without violating them, you are living in tyranny.
We all COULD live daily life pretty easily with out breaking laws. I'm sure the laws you daily break don't cause harm to others tho.

I'm being selective? Get the cop dick out of your mouth. All of you.
Again he is armed and cannot lose control of the situation because of someone gained control of the pistol mich worse could happen! I like how you select a video not showing her violently punch him first. You're propagating sided information. You're not fair and biased.
Thanks, I needed a god laugh. It's really hilarious watching a bunch of republican bootlickers scarmble to defend police brutality on a pot growing website.

This place would be boring like Grass City with out you shit stains. Thanks again.
You're just not intelligent enough to understand the responcibility of someone armed. Probably a reason for that too
Didn't a white boy get gunned down in the back by a cop over a smidge of weed?

While you're drowning in racism, the rest of us have to deal with reality: the over-militarization of law enforcement officers in America.

And exactly who gets the brunt of this new policy of the use of military force against the populace?

Black people! Or do you think Ferguson, MO was some kind of coincidence?!

You and @bearkat42 are on the same side of the fight you just described yourself in- and yet you'd try to create division within your own ranks?

Maybe if we all worked a little harder at finding common ground, we'd discover that we're pretty much alike, fighting for pretty much the same thing.