

Active Member
All I have basically is a reptisun 10.0 uvb light,dirt,seed,water. Is there a way I can get the plants to bud early? Like how long should I keep the light on them?

I was thinking of this:
Nearly constant light until the plant gets a foot tall. Then cut the lights down to 12 hours a day to force it to flower. Think that will work?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have no idea what that light is your list but I use 24 hour light for 10-12 days veg then go 12/12 for 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
i hate to tell you this, but you are going to need more light than that. a lot more. get yourself at least a couple of CFL's if you're going to try and do this on the cheap. also, you need to consider your ventilation options as well. good luck! :peace:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
wait is that a reptil aquarium light?? If so you not even gonna be able to do seedlings under that


Active Member
idk man I'm going to try anyways. I mean this light simulates the sun in the desert, not the heat part but all the over stuff. I would think it would be able to grow a plant. ......hopefully i can get :joint:

Oh and FilthyFletch love the chick in your pic hey that ryhmes


Well-Known Member
u can get a shitload of cfls from walmart for cheap, evryone here can tell u that the light u have now will not be enough. u can still use it if u want but you'll need to add more