Favorite Cigs?


Well-Known Member
Personally I like American Spirits the most but they're 7 bucks a pack here and if I can't afford them I like to get Parliments. What's everyone else's favorite cigs?


Active Member
American Spirits are nice and I love Nat Sherman's but both are too expensive for a pack a day indulgence so I roll my own for about 50 cents a pack-- and I think they are as good if not better than American Spirits.


Well-Known Member
American Spirits are nice and I love Nat Sherman's but both are too expensive for a pack a day indulgence so I roll my own for about 50 cents a pack-- and I think they are as good if not better than American Spirits.
I only smoke like 5 a day and I live in South Carolina so cigs are really cheap here.


Well-Known Member
i smoke nat shermans but they cost the same as american spirits. luckily here, ciggs r only 5.50 or so and i onl smoke a few a day at the most. i haven't had one in days because ihave a sore throat


New Member
i smoke nat shermans but they cost the same as american spirits. luckily here, ciggs r only 5.50 or so and i onl smoke a few a day at the most. i haven't had one in days because ihave a sore throat
CIGS? Geeze...roll, roll, roll a joint pass it down the line. Take a toke and hold the smoke and blow your frikkin mind! LOL

I guess this is gonna show my age but when I started smoking I paid .75 a pack for premium smokes. But, no I never walked 5 miles to school barefooted, I did not go to the candy store and buy a big bag of candy for a nickle and still have change to go to the movies, LOL! I have long since stopped paying the tabacco companies to kill me. Stick to budz my friends you'll live longer and be able to enjoy that much more cannabis.


Well-Known Member
nicotine is a worthless drug, I was a slave for over 30 years, haven't smoke a cig in about 4 years now and don't intend to EVER again. Do yourself a favor and drop that nasty habit now, again, nicotine is a worthless drug unless you're addicted to it.


Well-Known Member
CIGS? Geeze...roll, roll, roll a joint pass it down the line. Take a toke and hold the smoke and blow your frikkin mind! LOL

I guess this is gonna show my age but when I started smoking I paid .75 a pack for premium smokes. But, no I never walked 5 miles to school barefooted, I did not go to the candy store and buy a big bag of candy for a nickle and still have change to go to the movies, LOL! I have long since stopped paying the tabacco companies to kill me. Stick to budz my friends you'll live longer and be able to enjoy that much more cannabis.
man I think you may be older than me and I didn't think that was possible!


Ursus marijanus
man I think you may be older than me and I didn't think that was possible!
Yah well when I was a kid we didn't have rolling papers yet, so we waited for woolly mammoths with bald spots to get bad sunburns ... and then we'd peel big enough patches of skin and roll our herb of choice into them. Tasted like a kitchen fire, but it worked. Best skin came off the northbound mammoth's south end. This explains the etymology of the term "butt".


New Member
Yah well when I was a kid we didn't have rolling papers yet, so we waited for woolly mammoths with bald spots to get bad sunburns ... and then we'd peel big enough patches of skin and roll our herb of choice into them. Tasted like a kitchen fire, but it worked. Best skin came off the northbound mammoth's south end. This explains the etymology of the term "butt".
LOL!!! I was passed my first joint by God's grandfather!


Well-Known Member
gotta roll your own, for the price, ya cant beat it. cost me bout $1.20 a pack. they dont make me feel as nasty as a pack of marbs do either.
reg ciggs bout 6 bucks a pack here...


Well-Known Member
I don't like not having a filter and plus I can't roll worth a shit.
Nah man, you buy tubes, they look just like a regular cigg, $2 for a box of 200. little slide machine bout 7$, 1lb bag 18.00, 2 to 2 1/2 cartons out of that bag....


Well-Known Member
word of caution, get a mild tobacco, the full strength is alot stronger than ud think. personally, I get crisscross (the blue bag), and premier tubes.

some other tubes are actually a little bit smaller in diameter, really makes a difference how they work in the machine....

* oh yeah, humidity will play hell with your rolling ability, youll figure it out tho, dont always think its you, sometimes it is the materials...


New Member
Heh; I sold Noah a maritime policy and made up a cream for when Moses came down with a case of "burning bush", ya young whippersnapper. :bigjoint: cn
Oh yeah? when I was a kid there was a sign in space that said 'Now entering the Universe on 1 side and Now leaving the Universe on the other. burning bush! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Quit cigarettes 6 months ago, here in the UK the average pack is ~$10 (£6.50). Nasty expensive habit, glad to see the back of them. But i still don't see the extra money in my pocket that i've saved from not buying them. WTF! lol