fdd's crying


Well-Known Member
it started to rain about three hours ago. it is supposed to rain for the next 12 hours. so far 2 of the main branches on the "treefort" have broken. i'm outside in the dark pouring rain trying to repair what i can. it is now pouring. i have 8 plants outside still.:cry:


New Member
sorry to hear it man. thats worse than finding your wife in bed with your brother or something!
try putting a tarp over the top of it but make sure that the tarp dosent collect water and get heavy.


Well-Known Member
im sure you'll come up with something dr frankenstien,im not clowning i just know you will,good luck fdd and hope the rain stops or atleast slows the fuck down!!!


Well-Known Member
how do i cover this?....IMG_2959.jpg

this is why i grow extra. you never know what will happen. won't know the damage until morning. gonna be a looooong night.:cry::cry::cry:


New Member
crap thread filled up quick when fdd, needs help lol. i know i racked my brain for a minute.....do u have one of those canopy tents they put over picnic tables or caskets @ funerals. thd work great. even a normal tent for people ......maybe you could cut a hole in the bottom and drape it over it???


Well-Known Member
im sure that pole will create some type of big top effect if you threw a tarp on that son o bitch


Well-Known Member
maybe you should think about building a carport like cover off in the back so you can transport the ones you can move to safety.and something you can build to cover the ones you cant move by the pull of some ropes ,a rail with rollers and a cover of somekind,if its possible at all?a lil enginuity,construction partner u might know might have some ideas!maybe it something that can be done for next year?just a thought!


Well-Known Member
how do i cover this?....View attachment 31559

this is why i grow extra. you never know what will happen. won't know the damage until morning. gonna be a looooong night.:cry::cry::cry:
I know this is of no use to you right now but you seem to have a huge garden why don't you build a massive greenhouse out of wood and plastic roll.
Ive seen this done in england many times and filled the greenhouses with frogs and spiders when i was kid for people.

They used to use light blue plastic roll here so no one could see in but it doesn't filter the essential suns rays.
Anyway might be worth considering seeing as you grow such huge plants you'd no longer have to worry about the wind and rain or moths etc.
Anyway i hope you get lucky and it don't do much damage:peace:


Well-Known Member
it's over:cry::cry::cry:............IMG_2989.jpg

not much i can do at this point. it's still pouring. as i tied up 1 branch 2 more broke next to me. i can't watch. i guess i stay up waiting for the sun so i can see what is savable.:cry::cry::cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
maybe you should think about building a carport like cover off in the back so you can transport the ones you can move to safety.and something you can build to cover the ones you cant move by the pull of some ropes ,a rail with rollers and a cover of somekind,if its possible at all?a lil enginuity,construction partner u might know might have some ideas!maybe it something that can be done for next year?just a thought!
by Carport do you mean Car Hold? alot of people called it the Garage, i prefer car hold, sound a little more classy if you ask me