Fighting on xannax = Dead plants


Well-Known Member
every time i take xanax i steal things and don't remember how i got them.... i woke up next to about 500 dollars worth of copper wire...........
ha ha ha

i think its better just to not take drugs that will make you stab people and not remember 12 hours later? haha

And I have to agree with the other guys that you need to be careful with that shit. Any commotion around your grow is going to lead to issues; the fact they even know about it is enough. For the providers of the illegal world, you need to stay quiet. At least close to home.

I'm one of the most polite around outside, I'll always say please or thanks, hold doors open, walk on the street if there's old ppl or kids on the pavement .... I don't need anyone thinking I'm 'that prick they didn't want around to start with'


New Member
xanax is hella fun in moderation...... but if you wake up next to a bunch of catalytic converters and copper radiators, you either need to slow down........ or eat more. that shit is whack though for real.


Well-Known Member
shit iv'e never even met anyone whos done xannax,other than prescribed use, alot of my friends do ex nd acid, but i stay away from chemicals... i respect myself too much


Well-Known Member
nd yeah about ur grow, i know its been said.. but why the fuck was it in ur livin room.. shit almost askin for somethin bad to happen.. but eh,.. ya live n learn.. rite??


Well-Known Member
indiana man ...where abouts?...northern or southern?...indiana here too...send me a msg...but yea...i went to fucking rothberry..idk if u guys heard about it it was huge this year..and it was the best fest ever...u should of seen the woods they set up for you tripping dave matthews was talking about how he touched the moon with his tongue and shit haha but yeah its cool tho im not worried i moved the trunk into my room and my friend just gave me like 15 seeds for free from his bag seeds idk what they r going to be but i know its dank thats all he smokes...and i guess i got a surprise ahead of me ...2 of them sprouted yesterday
hey man, im headin up to 10000 lakes festival, dave mathews band is headlining, i havent really listened to them, i didnt know they were fest headliner types... do they put on a good show?


Well-Known Member
I was on Xanax last year to try to counteract some really bad allergic reactions to Reglan and I didn't have any bad reactions to Xanax. What the hell is a Xanax Pie anyway?


New Member
I was on Xanax last year to try to counteract some really bad allergic reactions to Reglan and I didn't have any bad reactions to Xanax. What the hell is a Xanax Pie anyway?
there's a lot of xanax ''clucks'' around my neck of the woods. stick to good ol' salty reefer. What is a xanax pie? that sounds really white trash.


Well-Known Member
This thread should be called "how to throw my life down the drain".
now thats just a little harsh isnt it? if your going to go that far why not just call this whole site its just stupid to support one form of drug use (and i know weed is medicine but so is everything) and compleatly condem those that choose to use whatever they want over what you prefer.

i dont drink, i dont smoke tobacco, i only experiment with phychedelics at festivals or every few months, i have been going to fests for about 4 years strait and i used to be kindof crazy (eat anything that walks by) i spent 500$ at one 3 day festival on just drugs... ex, molly, acid, 2cb, 2ci, shrooms, weed, opium, hash. it was worth it, great time. but that was the last time im ever doing that. you have to do what you are curious to do when you are curious and just get it out of your system.

like indy said, moderation. any drug in any form is totaly fine for your boddy and mind. its when you form habbits and addictions that fucks with you. you already have every drug you can put in your body in your body, when you take drugs you are just overflowing the amount, making sensory perceptions alter, making you trip. when you take too much you overflow your receptors and they dont get enough messeges across to regulate your boddy, when indy takes xannex and "blacks out" thats him loosing his conciousness but still alowing him to function in other ways without reasoning abilitys. this is because the part of his brain used for reasoning and conciousness are being blocked. and drugs can concentrate in areas making chemical burns in your brain possable, this is how you get brain damage from drugs, the only thing people get from drugs is shell shock, or flashbacks, its the same as someone coming back from war and having shell shock, its just a really traumatic part of your trip that just kinda sticks with you... with less than more drugs its alllllll goood.


Well-Known Member
Pie = slang for pills?

I used to be all mushrooms and tripping, then gradually started smoking and now like the pills.

Pills have a horrific reputation, but a lot of the issues you hear about are due entirely to the user messing around or not smarting up before they take them - it's like when a newbie gets their first hit from insane green and gets knocked sideways, or when someone trips and isn't of the mind where they can calm themselves down without help. If you get clean MDMA, I would say it's probably level with cannabis in terms of the damage it does to you. Especially if you look at the back of some synthetic or processed foods and then look up the chemicals on wiki. Sodium Nitrite is used in a million things as a preservative / tenderizer. It's listed as harmful, toxic, an environmental hazard and has been suggested as a carcinogen. That's just one element of the shit in synthetic / processed food.

Pills are absolutely NOTHING like you expect them to be.


Well-Known Member
Pie = slang for pills?

I used to be all mushrooms and tripping, then gradually started smoking and now like the pills.

Pills have a horrific reputation, but a lot of the issues you hear about are due entirely to the user messing around or not smarting up before they take them - it's like when a newbie gets their first hit from insane green and gets knocked sideways, or when someone trips and isn't of the mind where they can calm themselves down without help. If you get clean MDMA, I would say it's probably level with cannabis in terms of the damage it does to you. Especially if you look at the back of some synthetic or processed foods and then look up the chemicals on wiki. Sodium Nitrite is used in a million things as a preservative / tenderizer. It's listed as harmful, toxic, an environmental hazard and has been suggested as a carcinogen. That's just one element of the shit in synthetic / processed food.

Pills are absolutely NOTHING like you expect them to be.
I agree, i used to tell myself i'd never touch nasty pills. Went to amsterdam and did one the first night there and it was BRILLIANT.

The only reason pills have such a bad name is because the one person that dies a year on them (from being fucking stupid) gets plastered all over the news. (and they are usually pretty damn young)


Well-Known Member
dude dave was so fucked up man it was a good show but he was just mumbling words haha he was talking about touching the moon with his tongue and shit but hes always fucked up at his showes but 1000 lakes im going up there too man haha so i hope its going to be a wonderful show...anyone going to Rothburry 2009?..u need 2 ...omg 08 was amazing if anyone went?