Fighting on xannax = Dead plants


Well-Known Member
Pie = slang for pills?

I used to be all mushrooms and tripping, then gradually started smoking and now like the pills.

Pills have a horrific reputation, but a lot of the issues you hear about are due entirely to the user messing around or not smarting up before they take them - it's like when a newbie gets their first hit from insane green and gets knocked sideways, or when someone trips and isn't of the mind where they can calm themselves down without help. If you get clean MDMA, I would say it's probably level with cannabis in terms of the damage it does to you. Especially if you look at the back of some synthetic or processed foods and then look up the chemicals on wiki. Sodium Nitrite is used in a million things as a preservative / tenderizer. It's listed as harmful, toxic, an environmental hazard and has been suggested as a carcinogen. That's just one element of the shit in synthetic / processed food.

Pills are absolutely NOTHING like you expect them to be.
agreed 100%

any streat drug is fine for your health... meth, ex, anything. it how its made and what its made out of on the streats in basements or in garages, hell, in the truck at the end of the block... if every drug was manufactured in a safe manner in real labs with real chemicals instead of pipe cleaner and windex, everything would be on the level with weed.

i hate the pharmisutical companies tho, thats part of why im a self medicator. why would a company that profits off of your sicknesses give you something that makes you better? sure it might make you better for a little bit, but as long as they can capitolize off of peoples illnesses, they arent going to give those people a cure. instead they drag the entire country into what seems to be turning into chaos with health care. now nobody can aford the medication they "need" and its almost come down to paying for food, meds, or electricity for the lower class instead of just a struggle between food and electricity. its taken a huge bite out of the pockets of the lower classes, while the upper classes have no problem getting what they need, they have the money. they own the companies...


Well-Known Member
dude dave was so fucked up man it was a good show but he was just mumbling words haha he was talking about touching the moon with his tongue and shit but hes always fucked up at his showes but 1000 lakes im going up there too man haha so i hope its going to be a wonderful show...anyone going to Rothburry 2009?..u need 2 ...omg 08 was amazing if anyone went?
me n my gf are torn between rothbury and 10k... we went to 10k last year, you really have to have some friends with you.


New Member
^^^^^ hate to disagree bro but i've known people who OD'd off coke and junk, meth, i haven't once known a person who's died from pot. not every drug is good for you.


Well-Known Member
I agree, i used to tell myself i'd never touch nasty pills. Went to amsterdam and did one the first night there and it was BRILLIANT.

The only reason pills have such a bad name is because the one person that dies a year on them (from being fucking stupid) gets plastered all over the news. (and they are usually pretty damn young)
last year when i went to 10k, i woke up to sirens on friday morning (its from wednesday to sunday). turns out about 30 feet from our site, a girl ODd in the night, they never told us what but our niebors were partying with them the night befor and said she was on a bunch of skittles (pills), didnt know what, but she was drinkin alot too... stupid... her and her bf got in a fight, he left all pissed off, she went to bed, he went to bed next to her later and woke up next to her dead... she was 17.

kinda put a damper on the week... and the heat and humidity were fuckin horrible!!!


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ hate to disagree bro but i've known people who OD'd off coke and junk, meth, i haven't once known a person who's died from pot. not every drug is good for you.
i bet those people got the meth from someone that made it in theyre garage with everything under theyre sink...

and i didnt include coke because you can always od on that, and herroin, if you do alot. but im talking MODERATION of CLEAN, LAB MANUFACTURED DRUGS. i never said it would be ok to stuff youself full of drugs and nothing will happen...


Well-Known Member
im not talking about oding, im talking about effects on your health and brain. if you put enough chemicals in your brain it puts chemical burns all over, forming the "holes" ex is said to give you.


New Member
i'm sure a ''clean'', man-made, form of meth is still pretty dangerous... not compared to weed, which is natural. maybe weed grown badly can kill us? i don't think so. it will just suck.


Well-Known Member
no weed canot kill you in any way, uless you are strapped to a face mask and forced to inhale 50 js worth of smoke without oxygen... like the monkeys they did the studies on... and yea meth would be way worse, i would never toutch that shit. but pure mdma which is a form of enphedemine, has been proven harmless if clean.


New Member
i do believe ur talking about E? i've known people who overheat and get sick. i don't fuck with it, i have..... a bunch. i guess the dangers of that would be overheating, and impurities, like coke,tar,meth,caffiene,ephedrine,ginko biloba? but you said ''clean'' but the reality is theres a bunch of bad shit out there. when it isn't controlled correctly you get the black market demand for rednecks,etc. to cook the shit up in their basement.


Well-Known Member
mdma is the active ingredient in E, its what makes you feal good, mdma by itself is just refered to as mdma, or molly. this is the clean E, E pills are cut with shit, you only get .1 maybe .2 g of mdma in a 1 g pill as aposed to a .2 g hit of mdma, and everything is in moderation man, alot of anything will kill you, hell drink enough water and you will die... hell too many eggs will stop your heart, dare you to try to drink a gallon of milk in an hour and try to keep it down.


Well-Known Member
i have ODd on opiuts and E, opiuts were a methadone patch, fell asleep with it in my mouth, and the E was a fest i just had good shit for too cheap... ate too many, sat by myself in the woods for 2 hours just trying to relax through my overheating... its not fun, but thats why you need to know your limit. i used to do so much acid i would black out and wake up a few hours later in a compleatly different place with no idea what i did in those few hours... its confusing.


Well-Known Member
EVERYONE!...WHO has never been to a fest you need to go to rothberry! omg fuck 10k...roth was a free for all no one was watching over u it was like drugs were looked up apon no one was getting in trouble for shit..unless u were being a retard but go to roth berry...but about the girl who died..i know what ur girlfriend never been to a fest i have been to many and she wanted 2 go to rothburry and recently she just started rollin i used to be a X head i used to be addicted to them...its sad...but she was getting liek that and now shes stopped and she has VSD idk if u know what that is its a hear problem with ur heart memers or pulsesates or something...she told me but she cant take shit like she wants to and i dont want her going to a fest b.c she will prob be the one to od..and if she died...fuck that would ruin my world


Well-Known Member
man u od on e idk how i never did i used to be horrable b.c i sold them i used to get a boat at a time..which is ten jars and a jar is 100 pills so i was getting 1000 pills at a time selling them and eating them like crazy if i didnt have 5=10 pills a day i'd freak out like a fucking kid and throw a damn fit...but i had to get sent away for that i can controll it..i hate eating e anymore its poinltess everytime its the same shit nothing new it gets old...keep away from it if u can take over ur life


New Member
i also have eaten a couple of beans a day. not a good thing to be addicted to. i ate two of these purple ladies and didn't sleep for two days... after i got fed up with it, i can remember thinking...''why can't i stay up all night anymore?'' HORRIBLE SHIT.


Well-Known Member
do tell.......the human mind is a powerfull friend/foe.

i'm all ears:leaf:
just meditating and relaxing everything in your body will open up viens and arteries, letting more blood through an area at a time, this gets more oxygen to your body and brain, increased amounts of oxygen in your brain makes it release overflowing amounts of endorphins, this is the naturaly produced opiates that are made in your brain, anyway, when you get more than usual, you get the effects of extacy, or haroin.

if youv ever watched the woodstock movie, there is a part were they do rapid breathing and "breath of fire" to induce trance like states, sometimes related to a pcp trip withouth the rage.

i myself use mary jane to ease my intense anxiety, whenever i run out or whenever i can for that matter, i play my didjeridu, the relaxation it gives me along with the oxygen deprivation can damn near make me trip out harder than a hit of acid for a little bit, after that im just relaxed and feal high as hell.

there are many many many more ways to increase the flow of the drugs that already exist in your brain, you just have to find out what it is, this is usualy what older hippies come to the conclution of doing, old people cant handle drugs like they used to. i am friends with and old SUPER hippy couple in my town, they go on retreats in hawaii meant purely for meditation, they last 3 months, they are seperated, they cant talk or eat anything they arent given, all they do is meditate. he says not only is it helping his health and his marriage (even thought they are seperated the whole time), but it helps everyone around them, people put off energy, think of it as a smile, when someone smiles at you you smile back, just being around them you feel good, you feel safe and happy, its like they give off an aura, and people do, they can take pictures of it. ill see if i can find a picture of a persons aura, but it can efect others, so the better his is the better everyone he meets will feel... idk if you get it, im bad at explaining it.


Well-Known Member
i only read the OP.

Xanax is fucking stupid and so are your friends.

maybe they have a for you guys to check out?


Well-Known Member
this is the newest technology of measuring the energy field you give off in the colors you can actualy see the auras as. they had a booth that did this at 10k and i saw a few pics, it was nuts.

