Finally set up the way I want "The Church" and "TSS" *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Your plants look excellent man! I'm gonna try getting some pics up of my church and thai super skunk that are both in flowering right now. Check out my journal in the next couple days


Well-Known Member
Right on, I will stop by and check them out :)

Thanks fellas!

1 week to go on the Church and I am ancy as all fuck! I really want to get to drying and curing, well and of course smoking ;)


Well-Known Member
OK so I decided to cut the Church today after a 24 hour dark period.

She was showing some Amber Trichomes and all were cloudy. I would say 30- 40% were amber.

She smells beautiful like Lavender and Rose. Reminds me A LOT of Northern Lights which the Church has been bread with.

I have no clue what kind of weight I am looking at but this 1 plant produced enough to keep me going :) I wanted to have some dried and cured for the 4th of July so it should be good.

The pics of the bud in my hand and by the beer bottle were cut 6 days ago, so I will be smoking that one for the 4th.




Well-Known Member
The sixth picture is what I am hoping my colas will look like when I harvest mine. Congrats on the harvest, you have done a great job. The church looks delicious dude, you're getting me excited for when my harvest day comes :bigjoint: Keep up the awesome work


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tom!

Yeah, this is the end of round 1, now the second round with the 2 Super Skunks should be fun also :)


Well-Known Member
Now that the Church is done and curing, I am completely focused on the 2 Super Skunks :)

They are getting really interesting because for the past 3 weeks or so they have not looked like they were getting new growth. The ladies seemed to just getting girth. Now in their 10th week, they all of a sudden grew a completely new set of pistils and look really crazy!

Check out the pics, they are really shaggy and are starting to smell like burnt orange peel (in a good way).

Trichomes are coming in but still need at least 3 weeks to really see what it is going to do.

I am EXTREMELY excited about this strain, if it fills in and tastes as good as it smells then it will be a HUGE winner bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
No pics but just a brief update on the Thai Super Skunks:

The 2 girls are really adding on some bulk and developing long/ crystally calyxes. The smell is unbelievable with a musky orange/ dark chocolate smell :)

I will be giving them their last feeding on Sunday and then water as usual till the end.

It really is an interesting plant, long and gangly, buds have needed to be supported against the sides of the grow room. The buds are going to be big but not as dense as I would like.

The leaves are starting to turn yellow with a purple tinge in some places, all in all it has been fun so far and hope all goes well in the final weeks :)


Well-Known Member
Any new pics or news?
Sorry bro, been slacking on updates.

In all honesty though, not too much has changed since my last update. I will try to get some pics when the lights come back on.

This Thai Skunk is sooooo weird though, just when I think it is going to start filling out, it grows a completely new set of pistils. These plants have done this 3 times now, it's like it realizes that it has not been pollinated and keeps trying to increase it's chances to reproduce.

Sorry again, will post pics tomorrow :)
My friend, that sounds like a horny female wanting to get laid. Lol, I hope we both get some nice big buds. My TSS are currently in flower and it's been about.. 3-4 weeks? I hope mine isn't as smart as yours and just decides to grow nice big buds. As for pics, no hurry and didn't mean to rush you. Take pics when you've got the time. :)


Well-Known Member
Alright so I finally got around to taking some pics of the Thai Skunk and I am actually really impressed with how the pictures came out :)

The 2 Skunk girls are starting to get very, very, resinous and the smell is very potent. It does not stink up the house but if you touch the buds then your hands will stink for 20 minutes. It is not so much sticky as it is more sappy/ oily.

It's has a pine sap/ citrus smell with kind of a kerosene fuel kick to it! It seriously has a very unique aroma :)

This is a bud that I took down today @ Day 80 of flowering. I think they really need get the full 14 weeks of flowering but I KNOW it will be well worth it ;)

Oeace and enjoy the pics :peace:

