Firearms Freindly Collective?


Well-Known Member
Agreed, it's "supposed" to be that way, but again, fed trumps state. And as we all are well aware, those with badges, guns, and pseudo-power, can and do, do whatever they basically feel like doing and laws, rules, regulations can be, and are, interpreted differently by different people. Again, not disagreeing or starting a debate or argument, just citing the law as written.


Well-Known Member
You are citing only part of the law. The state of michigan does not give it's citizens over to the US government for prosecution, as it agrees that the tenth grants it sovereignty over fed.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
It's for real, no joke. There is nothing wrong with the mental health of those who wish to exercise their rights, which may even extend into their religion too btw.

I have a firearm friendly bank. So, you find two places that are of exceedingly high value to serious criminals, and you think it's crazy to want to defend yourself there? And you imply that WE are mental? Really? You prolly want to keep people from carrying into schools as well?

You are THE definition of why the world hates Americans.. Guns in schools, LOL.

Isnt their a bible study group your late for, or a clan rally?

Im going to keep getting HIGH, and keep my head in the CLOUDS.

You keep on the paranoid track and worry about being shot.


Well-Known Member
You are THE definition of why the world hates Americans.. Guns in schools, LOL.

Isnt their a bible study group your late for, or a clan rally?

Im going to keep getting HIGH, and keep my head in the CLOUDS.

You keep on the paranoid track and worry about being shot.
Im not paranoid, but it's obvious that your head is in the clouds. There is no paranoia involved when real events that happen to real places to real people, anywhere, at any time, and as a result, some choose to be prepared if those events happen in their lives. Paranoid is a delusional and irrational fear of things that may or may not be real.

You protect your valuables with locks and when those locks are broken, you call men with guns to clean up the mess. Our children are the most valuable, yet when all you can do when someone breaks in to where those children are is call up men with guns to clean up the mess, that is exactly what you will get. A mess to clean up in the hall or classroom made from the blood of the students. Happens over and again. What you don't hear so much about, are the kids who were stopped by armed citizens, those kids with a backpack full of guns, and lists of kids they wanted killed. Yes, I want guns in our schools, I personally have carried them in schools before, and will continue to get as many people as possible to do the same.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the definition to paranoia, the word itself is a far better descriptor of you, than of me.

[h=2]par·a·noi·a[/h] [par-uh-noi-uh] Show IPA
noun 1. Psychiatry. a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.

2. baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.


Well-Known Member
If the person holding the gun makes a mistake, then the active shooter gets to shoot more people.

Realistically, wouldnt it be better to have a person there who might be able to stop the person, than to have only a gunman shooting at people? When a person has a gun for defense, it becomes extremely difficult for an assailant to aim at peole.

Is it so unreasonable of me to be on the same footing as some attacker?


Well-Known Member
What prevents a normal sane citizen from becoming an attacker.
Nothing, is why I always carry condition 0 - chamber is hot, safety is off.. threaten myself or others with a presented weapon and your family will be visiting you next at the funeral home. No tolerance, no mercy for fucktards or those who want to abuse weapons.


Well-Known Member
Nothing, is why I always carry condition 0 - chamber is hot, safety is off.. threaten myself or others with a presented weapon and your family will be visiting you next at the funeral home. No tolerance, no mercy for fucktards or those who want to abuse weapons.
Sorry Figong, this just reminded me so much of Cyrus... LOL



Well-Known Member
Sorry Figong, this just reminded me so much of Cyrus... LOL

hahaha.. no... I don't approve of his carry method, especially with the cant of it and what it's pointing at artery-wise - but to each their own. :)


Well-Known Member
hahaha.. no... I don't approve of his carry method, especially with the cant of it and what it's pointing at artery-wise - but to each their own. :)
Ya Cyrus is one of those rare kind of geniuses you run into every once in a while. Trailer Park Boys rules.bongsmilie


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Unclebuck sounds like another bleeding heart liberal who lives in fantasy land and supports a moron like Obama who lies to us and he smiles and loves it. You know the kind who release federal criminals who are illegals and says they promised to come to court lol. I lugh at the stupidity of those who think making gun bans will solve the problem becasue we all know those committin g the crime fill out paper work to legally obtain guns. Hell Obamas right hand man Holder was selling guns to known criminals and acted surprised when they used them to committ murders and crimes. Its ok since Holder investigated his doings and found himself not guilty of the crimes. lol the blind left and the fantasy world they live in.


Well-Known Member
Unclebuck sounds like another bleeding heart liberal who lives in fantasy land and supports a moron like Obama who lies to us and he smiles and loves it. You know the kind who release federal criminals who are illegals and says they promised to come to court lol. I lugh at the stupidity of those who think making gun bans will solve the problem becasue we all know those committin g the crime fill out paper work to legally obtain guns. Hell Obamas right hand man Holder was selling guns to known criminals and acted surprised when they used them to committ murders and crimes. Its ok since Holder investigated his doings and found himself not guilty of the crimes. lol the blind left and the fantasy world they live in.
Check and see how many federal prisoners each President has commuted sentences for and then get back to us.

Thanks in advance