First flush ever!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Flushing is a must for good ganja. I don't really do soil grows as it takes too long yeilds less and is so much more work then hydro grows. That said I assume your doing soil I would use a drain table or build one with rubber liner so flushing is easy you just water each pot heavy for last week or so of plant life. In hydro you just change the res water add some clearing solution like sledgehammer and run for 3 days and done.I wouldnt personally reccomend the drowning way as your basically killing the plant forcing it to burn its last bits to live so your dropping thc count and canniboids as it dies and promoting rot in the plant. The flush gets any chemical or ferts left in the plant which alter taste and burn. Anyone who has grown and done no flush verse flush will verify why it should be done more important for chemical fert grows then all organic grows. In that video I do not think I would take any advice from that guy based on just seeing his sickly grow he showed.


Active Member
If your just in it for the money, then don't waste money on expensive soils and addatives. Just use straight miracle gro soil with water soluble nutes. All you need to do is make sure you don't over water and you'll do fine. It won't taste bad, it won't kill your plants and it's cheaper than most other soils.
I already keep it very basic bro. Just use a ready mix soil with guano standard a and b nutes and a flower stim. With 3 weeks left replace the flower stim with bloombastic, which is expensive but pretty much everything in one bottle. Kelp, seaweed extract,potassium etc and thats it through my cycle. Keep magnesium, rootstim and nitrogen to one side but rarely use. Just when needed.