First grow/CFL stealth cab/Short Rider


Well-Known Member
I cant really say if my putting them on 12/12 did anything or if it was just the right time since it was so close to 30 days when i flipped them. I was afraid they would get too tall and not be true autoflowers.
Now i believe they just sexed on time, independent to what i was doing with the light.
Well I guess we will see:mrgreen:

There on 18/6 right now because they seem to be liking the little bit of rest. Once I get this watering down I'll bump it back up to 20/4. I have a really good idea of how much water they need now, so I'm hoping droopy will perk back up and stay that way. This is just after about 8 hours of drying out, I might let her go for 2 days without water with the bigger pot just to see how she reacts.

I'm also going to water thirsty with a spray bottle. More often, with less water 2 times a day to try and keep the roots from growing deeper.

mine showed male at 30, and female at 35, just wondering, you did break the rootball up a little before putting it back in the soil right?
I broke it up a little from handling it but I doubt I broke it up enough. You think that will effect the growth?



Well-Known Member
Just to update, After transplanting droopy to the 3gal pot and watering her in really good I waited 3days for her to dry out and shes looking really good now!!.

I also transplanted thristy to a 2.5 gal pot and shes looking really heathy aswell, there are a couple leaves turning a little lighter green than the rest of the plant "which is light green to begin with compared to droopy.." I'm going to limit the pictures to once a week on their birthday, wed. So until then those that are following have to wait in suspense.:eyesmoke:

I'm also thinking of adding 1/4 strenghth fish emulsion with the tap water that I've been using, on their next 2 waterings basically the next week, "week 4 starting thurs..." Then moving to big bloom for flowering and I havent decided if I want to fork out the money for the tiger bloom aswell.

Any opinions or comments are welcome, I was thinking of trying the alaskan more bloom but I heard it was pretty strong stuff and I don't want to screw anything up if I can help it.


Well-Known Member
As promised, here's some pics on their 3rd week! I just finished watering thirsty. "The one on the left, in the last pic. You can see the soil is more moist." I mixed 1/4 nutes to try and get the lower leaves to green up a little cause a couple are starting to yellow, as you can see.

Droopy is looking very healthy now that I'm starting to get a better idea of how to water her. The only leaves that yellowed on her are the baby leaves which I've read is normal. Anyway here they are,

-First 2 are Droopy
-Next 3 are Thirsty
-Last is a Family photo:-P



Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Nice color and tight internodes. With that FF soil I wouldn't think you would need nutes at this point. Be careful, autos don't need much. It could be lack of light hitting those lower leaves. You have a nice, thick canopy forming, which may be shading the lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Nice color and tight internodes. With that FF soil I wouldn't think you would need nutes at this point. Be careful, autos don't need much. It could be lack of light hitting those lower leaves. You have a nice, thick canopy forming, which may be shading the lower leaves.
Hell yea, thanks Sonar you have a great point!! I'm gonna be watering droppy soon so I'll just go with the plain water. I havent been able to get much rain water lately so its gonna have to be tap water. I've been going back and fourth about the nutes but your right these being auto's I don't see why they would need it with the FF soil. I'm still going to pick up some for flowering but that should still be a few days/weeks out.

I'm not sure how accurate my ph meter is but it goes from about 6.8-7.1 or so when I test the soil.. Sould I try to drop it a little? Or maybe start using distilled water?

LoL, family photo, looks good.
LoL.. Not much of a family, hoping for a girl!!


Well-Known Member
What kind of meter is it? Is it the kind you buy at the hardware store with the two prongs and the needle that moves? I'm not sure how they are making them nowadays, but I use to have one a few years ago and it wasn't very reliable. It would bounce all over the place. A digital one should be fairly accurate if you are using it propery and keep it calibrated.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just bought an analog meter and it's not reading anywhere close to my liquid or my test strips. I guess it's time for digital.


Well-Known Member
Yea its one of the prong ones. If you go back a couple pages, I took a pic of it. I'll be picking up the FF Grow big and some short of ph tester soon. What would you guys recommend the test strips? I don't want to spend a lot on a digital, yet lol..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Yea its one of the prong ones. If you go back a couple pages, I took a pic of it. I'll be picking up the FF Grow big and some short of ph tester soon. What would you guys recommend the test strips? I don't want to spend a lot on a digital, yet lol..
i used the fish tank ph kit, cheap and it works great and last a long time. there less than $10 i think.



Well-Known Member
I saw kits at a local shop that test ph, N, P, and K in separate vials, but they were almost $20 and only good for like 5 tests. Milwaukee makes a digial pH meter for around $20-25 you can find them online. It's the Milwaukee pH 600 I believe.


Well-Known Member
I have a Milwaukee ph meter too. Wasnt too expensive and works good so far.
The thing with a ph meter is never let the tip dry out. keep storage solution in the cap. Keeps it wet and good to go.

I used those drops and they are good as long as your nutrients do not tint the water. When it does it throws off the color in the test.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions! For 25bucks I might have to invest in a digital, how long have you guys been using it?


Well-Known Member
my whole grow and about 6 months before that.
wait, hold a sec, yall are soil guys right?

How does that work? Do you test the run off or something?



Well-Known Member
my whole grow and about 6 months before that.
wait, hold a sec, yall are soil guys right?

How does that work? Do you test the run off or something?

Some people like to test the pH of their water. Out of the tap and after adding nutes. You can also test the runoff.


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm pretty sure thats how you do it but I havent really researched it yet. I've just been using that analog tester and testing the soil. It seems to be right around 7 but I'd like to get a more accurate reading just so I know.

Some people like to test the pH of their water. Out of the tap and after adding nutes. You can also test the runoff.
Thanks sonar, that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by husalife, If my buds turn out lookin like yours I'll be happy whatever amount I get!!

Just a little update,

I'm going to HD tomorrow to pick up some more lights and a 3 bulb vanity setup. I'm thinking, of picking up 5 more 42w 2700k cfl's.

That will be 4 27w 5500k cfl's and 6 42w 2700k cfl's. A total of 360w for flowering! My temps are holding strong so if anything I might have to invest in some more fans to exchange the air if it gets to hot.

I'm definitely adding at least 60w of side lighting on each side to help penetrate below the canopy. so thats the plan. I'll be setting it up this weekend.