First Grow Ever...using Aerogarden


Active Member
I am new here and have just started some plants in my aerogarden. I have RSD/CRPS, a chronic pain nerve disorder, and had gotten on MMJ in Denver but moved to SC. So must grow my own. I am fretting with the light height limitation and there is no way to set it to a 12 hr light time without an extra timer. Now that I have seen the lowryder I am going to talk to my partner about getting one. However until that happens I would love any tips/tricks for the aerogarden! We have a major space issue as we are in a 1 bedroom apt with cats who LOVE to eat pot plants and we have to keep it in a walk in closet.
Since have limited space I buy seeds that are auto flower and do not have to worry about switching to 12/12...Read the new and improved Aerogarden has a lot of great info that will help you out along the the people on this site are very helpful...just post in the proper category for your questions/and or problem and someone will help you out. Feel free to post your pics here and we can watch each others progress...


Active Member
Looks like I have gotten some growth since yesterday, but the undergrowth leaves look to be curling quite a this just because they are new or do I have a problem? Space in the reservoir is getting tight and I am hoping to get them moved by Saturday. I am mixing my nutrients per directions in distilled water but maybe I need to cut back a bit.

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Active Member
I have just ordered a ph meter and a TDS meter that should arrive in the next few days. I have heard others only mix their nutrients half of what the directions tell you to so I am thinking this may be part of my problem. I am thinking of using only distilled water for a day and then adding half strength nutrient mixture after that until my meters arrive. No CalMag used...


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you got that stuff overnighted. You may want to add a little epsom or CalMag. I don't usually use the full recommended strength either. But some strains can take all the nutes you can throw at her while other strains burn at half strength.


I have just ordered a ph meter and a TDS meter that should arrive in the next few days. I have heard others only mix their nutrients half of what the directions tell you to so I am thinking this may be part of my problem. I am thinking of using only distilled water for a day and then adding half strength nutrient mixture after that until my meters arrive. No CalMag used...

I'm a first grower too my advice is if you do add distilled water make sure it is PH adjusted first. You can't just add distilled water. Also did you get PH up and down along with calibration and storage solution for the meter? With the nutrients it all depends on what company you use. Me personally I'm going to use 1/4 strength of Advanced Nutes. since I hear the autoflower strains don't like a lot of Advanced Nutes.


Active Member
Meters should be here tomorrow and come with everything I need. Flushed with distilled water yesterday and severely cut back on the nutes for this mornings feeding...,she looks to be doing great and hopefully will be in her new grow box this Saturday so the little girls can have some room.



Active Member
Well the girls are in their new home and seem to be doing fine. Ph is 5.8 and ppm's are 780. Big Girl is 30days old and the little ones are 2 weeks behind.


Active Member
Thanks Assasin...this first grow has been an eye opening experience but a fun one! My big girl is looking a bit droopy...I think the inside of the box is getting to warm due to the exhaust fan not being powerful enough...ordered a new one and will change it out and I also removed one of the 2700k cfl....I think 3 is a little much for a space that small.


Looking good! I may have missed it..but have you seen any pistils yet? I'm not sure the timeline for autoflowers...but I think you should see them any day now on the big girl.


Active Member
She seems to be a bit late starting but she is trying. They are coming slow but sure, but since I don't have a bad ass camera like Assasin, pictures come out to blurry when getting up close. Call it camera envy!!! lol


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Active Member
Well Thanks!! PPM's are staying stable at 880 and ph is 5.8. Bottom leaves are a bit yellow. I have ordered CalMag and some Hygrozyme...just waiting for it to arrive.


Well-Known Member
I love Hygrozyme. I had a shit load of dead roots and that stuff really cut down on dead root mass. I still got a lot more but hopefully itll be gone by harvest:)


Active Member
Sorry..I tried but to get close enough pictures come out to blurry to be able to see them... :-(