First grow ever, Western end of the Northeast region

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Well here's the grow me and the spouse set up. There's 3 plants contained in a shallow 3x3 box. We refer to them by the numbers on a clock. We started with 12, 3, 6 and 9, but 9 went to the Garden in the Sky about 6 weeks ago. I hit her too hard with some homemade pesticide.

We discovered some fungus this week and cleaned that out. Spouse also did some sucker-pruning as per the advice of a friend who's grown his own for almost 40 years. Girl #3 took quite a hit from the fungus. i think it's because she's close to a bushy, overgrown area.

We've been fertilizing every other week with Miracle-Gro, yeah I know, eeew, but the nutrient numbers looked good & it was before we found this site. Next year we'll pick up something a bit fancier. As per the friend's advice, I've been roughing up the soil around the main roots every once in a while.

It sure is fun to handle them a bit and smell your hand! Mmm! We've talked about doing this for a long time. When we landed a bag of what's supposed to be White Widow the spouse saved some seeds and we started them inside. We had about 12. We ended up keeping 7, 3 live inside for seed purposes, a boy and a girl, and what we think is a Hermie. Is it White Widow? We don't know. Is it weed? Yep. Cool.

The area gets a lot of artificial light at night so we put some sunflowers up to try and block it. We did that a bit late, though, but it only seems to be affecting Girl 12, and not so bad. The sunflowers are also a visual block to the neighbours. We'll be doing that again next year too.

Next year I'll be taking notes. This has ended up being so much more fun than we thought it would be! Even if we don't get much we'll be trying again next year. We've enjoyed this too much not to. I'm also a big fan of DIY, so this is quite the shiznit in my book. Any comments/ questions/ suggestions are welcome. Hope you enjoy the pix.

Flame on! <3 Mel O'Cheddar :joint:



Active Member
Yeah it sure is fun isnt it. Looks like you guys are on the road to some good ole home grown.Its nice when the wife enjoys it to. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'm close to you guys! WNY state here. Good growing season. Check out my grow, it's on my profile. My hoes are budding like crazy, going to take some pics today and post em to the journal. Peace and good luck!

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
It'll be interesting when they get stanky, the breeze comes right into the bedroom sometimes. Talk about your pipe dreams.