first grow journal - comments always welcome


Well-Known Member
Those look awesome! Great job on a first grow! Fantastic leaf development and overall healthy looking plants.

And yeah, yellowing fan leaves at this stage can just be the plant sucking the life out of the leaves. You DO NOT want to give your plant nitrogen now.


Active Member
That yellowing is normal eventually almost all fan leaves will fall off. This plant is very easy to grow not much nutes it will affect taste. It will take exactly 64 days to harvest ruffly give our take a day or two. Start flushing with reagular water with apple juice, this plant loves it, on day 50 -52. Will harvest around 4-5 bags dry


Well-Known Member
its carmelicious (i did not pick the name) from amsterdam seeds. they were listed as easy to grow for beginners but with a very high thc contet. i got a couple of more difficult strains to try for my second grow this fall.


Well-Known Member
white widow is next. thinking about crossing that with carmerlicious if i end up liking this first crop.


Well-Known Member
Breeding projects are always fun. Which WW are you using? I just got an order green taped a 140.00 bucks :cuss:but you know what they say you gots to be able to pay if you wanna play. Anyways I have to order some more seeds maybe we can rock a side by side of something. Just an idea... oh and hows you finger by the way?


Well-Known Member
That yellowing is normal eventually almost all fan leaves will fall off. This plant is very easy to grow not much nutes it will affect taste. It will take exactly 64 days to harvest ruffly give our take a day or two. Start flushing with reagular water with apple juice, this plant loves it, on day 50 -52. Will harvest around 4-5 bags dry
HHHHHHHHHHmmmmmmm........this sounds like good fan leves are yellowing and dying and this rat bastard started bout the same time.... i started late with nutes..... you think he should already stop feeding this early in flower...?????????Hmmmmmmm..... i do agree...i heard flushing the nutes before harvest is day 50 that is good to know.....thanx guy....+++++rep


Well-Known Member
The dog chases the cat....
The cat chases the rat....
The rat eats the cheez....
But the cheez stands alone..


Well-Known Member
wait, i thought cheez was the spoiled byproduct of the excess mothers' milk of a stupid bovine animal. but what do i know? anyway, competition on, spoiled milk boy.


Well-Known Member
Hey I want in I started around the First week of Aug or the Last week in July! Forgot to mark it!! Classic Spicoli move, I want a shot at the Gold..Friendy little grow contest !!


Well-Known Member
i'm going to start a new thread when i harvest that is just the contest and everyones result. maybe we should send the police to verify any result that sounds too good to be true? jk