First grow !! Look ok ??


Active Member
make sure your ph is sitting aound 6.5 just leaving it out for 2 days might not do it..get yourself a ph kit asap....also you might want to supplement some cal-mg in looks like a lockout due to ph...youll know when youve fixed it all the new growth will be healthy...check your ph add some cal-mg and you watch that baby bounce back...subbed


Active Member
ALSO the biggest mistake i made with my first grow was i used way too many my current grow i have cut down to feeding every 3rd watering and i after a feeding i can tell a bigger difference in reaction to the nutes...when your not sure use LESS nutes...


right no prob im just a bit stuck for cash at the moment to get a ph tester :( i will defo fo r next time
cut down the amle today rip swisss cheese lol were would i get cal-mg from ?


Active Member
i get my ph kit from petco or any fish/pet store...the best 10 bucks you can can get the cal-mg online for cheap...theres other ways to supplement the cal-mg but your real problem is the ph kit...get that first for sho..looking back at your pics they look good excpet for some signs of lockout your getting due to the ph...


rite ive been looking at my local pets shop and they sell ph 7.0 which makes the water 7.0ph obv lol
this should be good to use shouldnt it means i would not need a ph pen as the water will always be at 7.0 ????????


Well-Known Member
rite ive been looking at my local pets shop and they sell ph 7.0 which makes the water 7.0ph obv lol
this should be good to use shouldnt it means i would not need a ph pen as the water will always be at 7.0 ????????
read the small print, dont use on aquatic plants, makes me think maybe not to use on any plant


i just dunno what to do i dont have enough for a ph pen
the onlky thing i can see is ph tester strips or a 3 n 1 ph meter which says soil moisture and light


Well-Known Member
as you grow you soil will drop in ph, mt opinion is if your tap water is 7-7.5 just add nutes when you start feeding and leave it, the nutes will drop it below 7 and your soil is naturaly acid, if you start lowering it to much you will speed up acid ph trouble


no prob mate so u think i should use the strips

and if its 2 high or 2 low what do i do and do i test it with out nutes or with


Well-Known Member
when you start using nutes you test when nutes added, while you are just using water just test the water then let me know what it is.

lisa L

Careful with the veg nuts, too much N doesn't yield the best buds, just the most bushy/leafy/green plants.--Those three don't necessary go along with the best buds.


Just jsd s look at the plants there and i am happy to say 1 of my ak48 is showing a few white hairs whoop whoop