First Grow : next step after germination


Just germinated 10 blue cheese by barneys farm 9 have taproot showing I'm about to plant them straight into there coco/hydroton 50/50 pots 11L how deep should I plant then how often should I water and when should I start 18/6 ?


Well-Known Member
put em just under the dirt 1/4 in. have em on 18/6 if thats the schedule you want immediately. depending on the growth characteristics and your light you veg accordingly, expecting the stretch. and then you switch to 12/12


New Member
Ok what your gonna wanna do is when planting them wash your hands really good the oil from your hands will make the roots upset
I plant them about my index nail deep don't worry how they go in just make sure the root goes in faci g down if possible since I know some twist like a roller coaster it just make they're job easier but it will straighten itself out
Light you can keep them on all day or 18/6 but only once the first set of leaves appear
Water remember seedlings are small so only spray the top soil once a day about every other day or once daily they don't need much water they're small also watch your ph


No light till first set of leaves? and when to start feeding properly(wilma system hydroponics) and for how often ? Thanks for all the help guys


Well-Known Member
dont feed until those cot whatever leaves turn yellow or bout 3 weeks, start low dose slowly build up.. i prefer light as soon as they are in dirt it helps em sprout


Well-Known Member
when you drop beans into soil, tap root is going down but at the same time it pushes seed upwards. You can put the light right from the beginning, just make sure your tap root is fully underground, so it is not exposed to light, also spray some water so plant would easier get rid of that helmet, faster it frees itself, faster the leaves will appear and so the grow..