First Grow - PC Case!


Yeah, I'm pretty bummed - especially since the one that isn't recovering is the one that was the biggest and most promising looking. But oh well, live and learn. Hopefully she recovers in a few days and springs back to good health.


Yeah, they're 12v pc fans - I've got them wired to 2 separate 9v phone chargers, so they're only running at around 75% power. But I've got one charger for the 2 80mm fans and one for the 120mm fan.


Well-Known Member
well i missed your pic post right b4 my earlier post. sorry to see the one that is worse for wear, but she still has a chance. better to get the yield from 1 and a half, than only one. best would be 2, but what is done is done.


Pretty sure the right plant is not coming back. I'm gonna keep it in the case for a few more days just in case something sparks it back to life, but I've come to terms with the fact that it's not gonna happen. :cry:

But here's some pics of the one that's still going strong!



Active Member
Pretty sure the right plant is not coming back. I'm gonna keep it in the case for a few more days just in case something sparks it back to life, but I've come to terms with the fact that it's not gonna happen. :cry:

But here's some pics of the one that's still going strong!
Sorry for your loss. How about a back up shot of her in the pc case>?


Well-Known Member
that sucks to hear. do you think you could have done anything differently which could have saved it?


I could've not left for a the week. Or I should've planned ahead and rigged up a cheap drip system or something. I don't even think if I gave them full darkness while I was gone that they wouldn't have wilted. It was low to mid 90's here all week and with the pots they're in they seem to normally dry up within 36 hours. But live and learn. I think after I fully harvest the survivor I'm going to attemp a reveg, as well as start a new plant. I've learned alot from this first grow and I look forward to future ones where plants don't die!

And I assume you mean an older shot of her in the case, one where she's still living. So here's one from before I abandoned her for 4 days and let her wilt.



I know how you feel, i had to harvest one of my plants early.
and the other.... not doing so hot. most of her has just crumbled away.
i dont know whether high temps, low humididty or something else is the cause, but shes almost toast.

but dont fret! you still have the one plant!
i didnt get much off the one plant i harvested, but damn its nice.
and no doubt the buds you get off the one are gonna be awesome!

oh and since you only have one plant in there now, maybe remove a bulb or 2 to help with heat problems.
unless you have the heat problems completely under control now.

best of luck to ya!


Heat isn't much of an issue anymore since I switched the fan configuration up. Unless it's a scorching hot day with no A/C on, the temps are usually 85ish with lights on. I'm sorry about the plant you had to harvest early, but at least you got a little something from her! I don't even think what is on my dead plant is worth smoking - though I'm gonna try lol.


Hey gum! All's going well, been really busy planning a move and getting everything ready to be moved. Plant is doing alright - it's at about 9 weeks now and I haven't fed nutes in a few days, so I'm going to flush til harvest. I will post a pic tonight when I get home from work.

My wife and I just found out today that we got accepted for a house we applied for. In one of the bedrooms, the closet is directly above the staircase so it's a big, oddly shaped closet that goes pretty deep. Going to use that as the new growspace when we get all settled in there.


Nono, I'll most likely be sticking with CFLs, maybe rewire a 150w HPS security lamp to have a remote ballast - nothing TOO big. But I'll definitely be upping the amount of lights and plants. Will probably order some seeds or buy a few clones and find a suitable mother to start going perpetual.


Well-Known Member
i had to move to a PC. i am putting a 100 watt CMH in it this week. i am figuring the ballast out right now. i thought about setting up another pc for 2 small moms. order 2 or 3 different female strains??? i will post a pic for ya if you would like to see it.