First grow, purely home-made, CFL.


New Member
Well, to start off my name is craig, i am from california and am very new to this board. I was born in glasgow scottland and lived there until i was seven.
I am just now starting to grow after years of enjoying the fruits of other peoples labor.
And would like to follow my progress on this board, seeing as you guys know tons of helpful things and your a good crowd.

So far i am about 14 days total, 10 of which being sprouted to current growth. I just planted them, no germination, nothing of the sort.
I had 6 plants to gegin with but something terrible contaminated the original container and fried three of them.
They are a purple haze/nl5 mix. They were breeded by a freinds dad. Great strain, very heavy body and mind high,
and i might say this has got to be the most incredible appetite booster, otherwise, i got the muchies on a rediculous scale with this strain.

As far as the surviving seedlings from the contamination i have two growing outside, one is in awsome condtion, but the other i have had to clip the dead matter from the leaves,
it is definatley improving, the other plant is the more interesting one, its indoors, which for me feels more fun to do.
It had two 23watt CFL lights and a quite reflective enviroment, two pc fans, one in one out, and a folgers coffee container as the pot.
I dont have pictures of the outdoor ones currently but here is an example of my little OP.

Any help with getting it back to full health would be greatly apreciated, thanks in advance, happy toking my freinds:blsmoke:

Grow cell, home made, i am quite a macgyver, cant help it. I like to save money haha.

Inside the cell.

Blurry pic of seedling(bad closeup camera).


New Member
A new picture, of the outdoor plants, its actually extreamly bright outside, i just cut out some of the light to show more detail.



New Member
Update: So i recently found some molassas sitting in my cupboard never opened, what a suprise, i mixed a couple of tablespoons with a gal of water, and added a few drops of h202. I proceeded to water all of my plants with it and wow, they perked up so fast i was amazed. The one in my closet has grown with in the last few hours, moreso than it was before... I recomend trying this mix to anyone, i was happy to find that i had some, i read somehwere on here that haze strains are a bit sensitive to nutes. And that molassas is perfect for it.


New Member
So today i was examining my indoor plant closely and noticed there is puple developing on the edges of the leaves, i wish i had a better camera to show you but im sure they will be photographically noticabely purple soon haha.

Mr Wacky Tobacky

Well-Known Member
Heya Craig' I am currently doing my own indoor grow as well and I sort of just finished building my box today for my setup just a few more things to add but not much.. It's nothing major very similar to yours only I've got a slightly bigger box space for 3 small plants 4x45w cfl's and sun reflectors covering my box in the inside and a fan..I'm just waiting now for two seeds to sprout they germinated but haven't found the light yet and I've got a female in bud stage few more weeks to go she had a lot of stress during her life time bud the buds don't look to bad still schmokeable..I'm still looking around for a HID light so I can use it during the flowering stages to get some nice buds bud I'm not too worried about that now I think my plants will do fine this time round anyway and I will add as I go on.. So welcome to RIU I will follow your grow and see how it goes on.. C'ya

PS: I can't give much comment or advice though as I'm also sort of new with all this and I don't know much more than from what I'm learning on this site..
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New Member
Heya Craig' I am currently doing my own indoor grow as well and I sort of just finished building my box today for my setup just a few more things to add but not much.. It's nothing major very similar to yours only I've got a slightly bigger box space for 3 small plants 4x45w cfl's and sun reflectors covering my box in the inside and a fan..I'm just waiting now for two seeds to sprout they germinated but haven't found the light yet and I've got a female in bud stage few more weeks to go she had a lot of stress during her life time bud the buds don't look to bad still schmokeable..I'm still looking around for a HID light so I can use it during the flowering stages to get some nice buds bud I'm not too worried about that now I think my plants will do fine this time round anyway and I will add as I go on.. So welcome to RIU I will follow your grow and see how it goes on.. C'ya

PS: I can't give much comment or advice though as I'm also sort of new with all this and I don't know much more than from what I'm learning on this site..

Thanks man i apreciate the welcome, good luck with your current cfl grow, sounds pretty solid to me, i am going to update the growing enviroment as much as i can over time, its getting better day by day... I really only need some blue spectrum CFLs to start better growth, im kind of stuck with the 2700k ones until i get around to it.

Its good to hear that these plants can take a little stress, cosidering this is my first grow im prepared for little mishaps.


New Member
man, it must be an epidemic...cuz i got me a home made CFL grow tent goin too!!! good luck with everything mayne

Likewise my freind, its true, CFL grows are showing up everywhere, i was reading that flourescents are actually better over all than mh and hps. If used in the right quantitys that is.

Apperently they put out a more natural spectrum of light(In a tanning booth do they use mh or hps to give you a tan? No, they give you FLOURESCENTS) that mh or hps can. Giving the plants a more comfortable lightsorce, not to mention the wider plane of light being dispursed. And to top it off the temperature is much more stable.

Sounds good to me:joint:


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of perks to cfls, and when used correctly you can get dumbass good results... but i must say that if i had the space money and ample amount of circuits in my op i would definately be using HIDs... they can cover a lot more area, they throw light better( canopy penetration ), and if cooled properly they can give plants a lot more usable light...but if space, temps, and cost are a concern...slap them CFLs!!! and as far as HIDs they got these ceramic metal halide lamps that are supposedly shittin all over hps and normal metal halides


New Member
Has anyone ever tried or even bought one of these???

Sylvania 26151 Light Bulb - ICE150/841 - 150 watt T17 Designer 4,100K 800 Series Electrodeless Icetron Fluorescent Sylvania Light Bulb at

From Wikipedia:
"Another type of fluorescent lamp is the electrodeless fluorescent, known as a radiofluorescent lamp or fluorescent induction lamp. Unlike virtually all other conventional lamps that have hardwired electrical connections to transfer energy to the lamp core, the electrodeless fluorescent accomplishes this solely by electromagnetic induction. The induction is effected by means of a wire-wound ferrite core that projects upward into the bulb encased in an inverted U-shaped glass cover. The wire is energized with high frequency electricity often 2.65 or 13.6 MHz; this ionizes the mercury vapor, exciting the phosphor and producing light. Induction lamps also have greater efficiencies per watt, higher powers than CFLs and a lifetime currently between 15,000 and 100,000 hours.[68] By 2007, several manufacturers have already introduced dimmable induction lamps, making their application even more flexible and accommodating.
Currently, this type of light source is struggling with a high cost of production, stability of the products produced in China, establishing an internationally recognized standard and problems with EMC[69] and RFI. Induction lighting is excluded from Energy Star standard for 2007 by the EPA."

So what they are saying is they are awesome but are not cheap nor mass produced yet... These look really interesting to me.

Look at the stats...

[SIZE=-1]Our Part #: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]SL26151 [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Manufacturer: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Sylvania [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Manufacturer Code: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]ICE150/841 [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Case Size: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]6 ($2,999.94/Case) [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Light Output: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]12,000 lumens [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Energy Used: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]150 watts [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Average Lifetime: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]100,000 hours [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Bulb Type: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]T17 [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Base Type: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Mounting Brackets [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Color Temperature: [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]4,100K [/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
those things are friggin huge... T17?! totally impractical, especially with the price. even though they perform better than a standard flourescent lamp, i would still assume that they dont throw light as well as a HID. i dont know for sure tho, and i dont plan on spending three racks to find out...

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
wow that looks like how my grow started up. you seam to know what you want cfl are great for small spaces and temp also imo are equal to hid in veg , but in flowering i would go hid every time i use both hid and cfl's in my tent.

good work keep it up


New Member
Thanks man good looking out, I am going to post some pics either later today or tomorro, i am getting more growth now because i got an extra light plus moved some things around in my grow box... Im just so excited about the tips and edges being purple already, i have seen grows on here that were supposed to be purple but never came out that way...


Well-Known Member
thats gonna kill me every time i see it... we dont have circle K out here, reminds me of bill and ted. how much room do you have above the top of your containers before it hits the roof or the box...?


New Member
thats gonna kill me every time i see it... we dont have circle K out here, reminds me of bill and ted. how much room do you have above the top of your containers before it hits the roof or the box...?

Haha, well it has about half a foot or a little more, i am going to move it into my closet as soon as it overgrows the box, i am currently setting up my closet so it will be a nice move... Right now i am just trying to get it to veg as fast as i can, its working out so far.