First grow, purely home-made, CFL.


Well-Known Member
hell yea, all thanks to the circle k... L- o- muthafuckin L... u should use reflective wall coverings for your closet. the stuff i used in my grow is working great, got it at home depot. look up the McGuyver grow...


New Member
looking nice s/panda,

hope things continue to go well

funny you should mention that, I turned my lights on today and noticed alot of yellow speckleing on the new leaf growth, i am looking into it now, any help would be apreciated, its like a briht greenish yellow, speckled on the veins and middle parts of the leaves, pics later.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
At a guess Mn deficiency due to ph lock out (don't take this as red)

do you ph your water before watering if so what is it?

if it is above 6.5 you could be locking out your Mn

have you any charts for nute deficiency's or ph lock outs?

they are 6 days old not including germination are you giving them nute?

is your soil low in nutes or a full nuted mix ?

are you foliar feeding i.e with a spray bottle it could be burn from the drops of water acting like a magnifying glass.

let me know if you need charts i will give you the links to some good ones.

if you answer the questions above and post the pics this would help diagnose the problem.

o sorry for the jinks
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Well-Known Member
u know what else leaves little yellow spots like that...? spider mites, look on the undersides of the leaves with the spots and see if you could spot anything down there or if you could see whether or not it originated from the underside of the leaf


New Member
I do not ph my water, i do sometimes feed it with a molassas and water mix seeing it as not able to truely harm my plants. I do not foliar feed, i dont think its necassary. My soil is nuted, but i prepared it months before using it, so i wasnt worried about a burn at the start, it seems to be growing just fine, only this strange coloration, no spider mites.

I have looked at the lockout and plant abuse charts, but i could look even more. heres a picture.

sorry for the distance, my cam is being stubborn in getting the detail of the spots.


New Member
Thanks man i apreciate the help... Yeha, it seems to fade away when the lights have been on for a while... It gorws alot during the night so im not sure what to think at this time.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
is that getting worse?
does it still go after the lights have been on a while?

i am still thinking its ph related imo (could you contact your local water suplier and find out you average ph they might even have a web site with it on could be worth a check)

but wait to see if anyone else has any ideas


Active Member
nuttin to dot wit ph but jus a tip...i didnt nuttin u said lol jus notced da pic your plants stem looked skinny put a fan on it 24-7


New Member
Its actually remaining the same where its at and not showing on new growth, i have two fans in the area, see the corner of it right above the plant?


Well-Known Member
koo...keep an eye on the new growth mayne, as long as its comin in healthy and the damage doesnt spread you might be good


New Member
While enjoying a bowl i decided to take some pictures of when i first turn on the lights, hence the droopyness, it is waking up..... I love the bushyness...



New Member
Too much water
light to close and use rain water as its (N) not like tap water which is on the acid side

I use bottled water, like i said i just turned the lights on, later on the leaves will reach out for the light, and around 9pm when i turn the lights off the leaves start to dropp at about 830.... they know when its battery time(night). Its actually getting better than before, the once yellow spots are now greenish and receding. I apreciate the help though, i dont see how the lights are too close....