First grow, purely home-made, CFL.


New Member
So i litterally just now noticed that there is infact four tops on the indoor plant. So its fimmed, one of the tops is the regenerated mainstem and the other three are in the nodes, one on one side and get this. The side with the 14 segment double leaf grew two new tops side by side. I will try to get a picture of this soon. I also fimmed the outdoor plants tops. Hoping to see a good lollipopish thing going on. Anyways thanks for the support and everything, this is definatly a fun ride.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
sorry if you covered this but, are you topping your plants to make them shorter with more bud sites? i have been looking for someone who has done this with some helpful tips for my first attempts when my plants get of age :mrgreen:


New Member
sorry if you covered this but, are you topping your plants to make them shorter with more bud sites? i have been looking for someone who has done this with some helpful tips for my first attempts when my plants get of age :mrgreen:

Well, this is my first grow, ever. So everything im am doing is my first time. I am glad to help with topping as i have looked into it alot to make sure i do it right, and what have you. But yes i am doing it to keep them more stout and evenly bud out more than grow 5 feet tall and have one huge cola.

Caddy: Yeah man, this plant doesnt cease to suprise me.


Well-Known Member
Dang man I was flipping through this journal and at the first couple of pages I could'nt even identify that as cannabis, but that plant bounced back strong and is looking healthy! Congrats!


New Member
Thanks man i apreciate that. Yeah, it was definatly undeterminable at the start. Now its Growing rampid. Just a week now about and ill start my 12-12. Which i also wanted to say a freind of mine actually has a 600watt HPS bulb and ballast ready to go, he is about to let me borrow it for the time being. I will most likely throw it in there when i flower.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Looking nice and bushy, nice work! I plan on trying a couple dif topping methods, the one you are doing is reg topping right??? then i heard of a FIM (fuck I missed) technique, which is supposed to make up to as much as EIGHT main stalks off growth node you cut (sounds crazy lol)

Keep up the excellent gardening!


New Member
Looking nice and bushy, nice work! I plan on trying a couple dif topping methods, the one you are doing is reg topping right??? then i heard of a FIM (fuck I missed) technique, which is supposed to make up to as much as EIGHT main stalks off growth node you cut (sounds crazy lol)

Keep up the excellent gardening!

Well, i tried to top the indoor one, and in doing so i realize now what fimming is. It really is missing what you wanted to cut lol. But yeah, if you want to fim its a pretty simple process.

Here is something that helped me understand quite well, considering litteral pictures arent always best.

For me i actually cut on that very small bulb of fan leaves instead of the whole bunch, like the leaves that were already leaf looking i left alone, but the ball of them that looks kind of like a ball of stems, snip it right in the middle of that. You kind of want to see the mainstem surounded by little stems and peices of leaf. Which can be VERY hard to distinguish with the naked eye. But all in all, no matter what part you snip in particular, the same effect is the outcome, more mainstems. Hope this helps you out and thanks for the positive feedback.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
+ Rep my friend!

Great little diagram that cleared it up for me, i had a decent idea how this was done but now i am confident i can do this :eyesmoke:

I will be following your grow closely man, ty again for your info!!!


New Member
Thanks man no problem. Always happy to help someone.

By the way guys i am thinking of starting to 12-12 sooner than i thought, I saw a grow on here that i liked alot flowered from about its current size, and it was a pleasing plant. So yes, either today or friday i will start my 12-12 With the lights out at 12 and on at 12. I am going to do a 10-14 the first day, to ensure the plant gets its flower hormones pumping.


Active Member
Wow man nice job the begining was a bit odd but it bounced back and is looking really nice :weed: i like your setup alot.. but yeah good work man!


New Member
Yeah man, i apreciate it. This plant is doing awesome right now. The four tops are growing real nice right now. Setup is defnatly a cheap one. Total spent so far on everything is around $45. So i would say im doing well.

Pics soon of current growth by the way.


New Member
Sorry folks, no pics. My batteries are dead. But i will give a text update.

I just threw the lights off, first time in a while. I plan to keep them off until 12 noon. So it will be 14 hours of dark the first night of flowering.

Hope everything goes as planned. Later guys.


Active Member
i started building mine today its no wher near ready but im hoping by like sat i can start and i will open a journal once again good luck bro


New Member
One night in flowering and i already seen signs of its sex!

So far, i am about 90% sure its a girl. Which makes me happy with the 50-50 odds of a single plant. Pictures soon.