First grow room. Help


Active Member
Thanks dude....yea, I've made a lot of mistakes. This is my first grow. They are still living so I'll keep chugging along lol. I'll definitely do things differently next time.
Oh hells yeah buddy! Everyone starts off at the same place. Mistakes are fine as long as you learn from them. My first grow was a 100% sativa under a 430w light. Fucker took 9 weeks and I got impatient and chopped it early. Also had the light too close and bruned the tops of my buds, didnt cure properly and only pulled 2.5 oz off it.

My last grow was 4 plants straight 12/12 from seeds, lost 1 plant to root rot. Had 2 stretch so bad on me cause I was busy one week so really I was left with 1 plant. Got 2 oz off that one and half off the other 2. So again another 2.5 oz total.

Got turned off by indoor for a bit and started outdoor. Jesus christ if you ever get a solid chance (veteran growers) to grow outdoor. Take it, these things were 8 feet tall and me and a friend couldnt get our arms wrapped around her. That was a good summer.

So im back. Doing indoor(outdoor in the summer) now and Ive taken my time, made sure things were as close to perfect I can get and its looking good so far. Hoping to get more like a quarter pound half pound off one plant. This stuff takes time and patience to learn, many grows, strains, equipment and mistakes. Each grow will get better as you learn. Just dont stop learning


Yea, in my first thread "my poor seedlings" I talked about all the mistakes I've made. A friend gave me a bunch of seeds. I started them in peat pellets in a germination station. I think I planted like 17 of them, not knowing how many would sprout. I got ten to sprout and probably could have gotten more of them to sprout if I had given them more than three days. I should have only planted a few to start. So, after three days I transplanted the sprouts into beer cups. I started feeding nutes too soon and after a week in the cups I transplanted them into the 3 gallon pots. I started seeing problems immediately with slow growth and yellowing leaves. I trimmed the dying leaves off and moved the seedlings back to beer cups so for better root growth. I buried the stems up to the second node because of stretching and my trimming. They stayed in the beer cups for a couple weeks then back into the pots they are in now. A fellow grower told me to transplant them in the pots and leave them alone for a few weeks. So, as of today they have been growing from seed for 60 days. lol I have some Northern Light and Strain Hunters Money Maker Feminized seeds coming as we speak. I'm hoping to at least yield some good smoke from what I have going so far. I don't want to give up on them because I'll always wonder what could have been. And as you said, "this stuff takes time and patience to learn, many grows, strains, equipment and mistakes." lol


Active Member
Yea, in my first thread "my poor seedlings" I talked about all the mistakes I've made. A friend gave me a bunch of seeds. I started them in peat pellets in a germination station. I think I planted like 17 of them, not knowing how many would sprout. I got ten to sprout and probably could have gotten more of them to sprout if I had given them more than three days. I should have only planted a few to start. So, after three days I transplanted the sprouts into beer cups. I started feeding nutes too soon and after a week in the cups I transplanted them into the 3 gallon pots. I started seeing problems immediately with slow growth and yellowing leaves. I trimmed the dying leaves off and moved the seedlings back to beer cups so for better root growth. I buried the stems up to the second node because of stretching and my trimming. They stayed in the beer cups for a couple weeks then back into the pots they are in now. A fellow grower told me to transplant them in the pots and leave them alone for a few weeks. So, as of today they have been growing from seed for 60 days. lol I have some Northern Light and Strain Hunters Money Maker Feminized seeds coming as we speak. I'm hoping to at least yield some good smoke from what I have going so far. I don't want to give up on them because I'll always wonder what could have been. And as you said, "this stuff takes time and patience to learn, many grows, strains, equipment and mistakes." lol
Oh yeah never throw a female out. This is where I would be trying diffrent stylea of growig. Id top one, scrog one and lst one. Maybe attempt some clones. Just have fun with it. Your clearly not going to get a huge yeild or an amazing smoke so might as well fuck with them a bit


Yea, I'm pretty sure my problem is nutrient lockout as a result of pH being too high. I stressed the seedlings out way too much from the beginning too so it's pretty obvious why they are giving me a hard time lol. Live and learn I guess. I'm thinking about feeding some with nute solution and the others with plain pH'd tap water. See how things go. I just watched a youtube video about lockout and the guy was saying that nutrient lockout in hydro is very hard to fix. We'll see what happens. :)


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm pretty sure my problem is nutrient lockout as a result of pH being too high. I stressed the seedlings out way too much from the beginning too so it's pretty obvious why they are giving me a hard time lol. Live and learn I guess. I'm thinking about feeding some with nute solution and the others with plain pH'd tap water. See how things go. I just watched a youtube video about lockout and the guy was saying that nutrient lockout in hydro is very hard to fix. We'll see what happens. :)
My plants started booming lol. Minus the runt but he's still growing aswell. Already on the second set of leaves. Ive just been keeping the ph at 6.5 and giving them half dose of nutrients maybe even less and they're loving it! But im also using soiless mix. Not sure what youre using.


Great, glad to hear your babies are doing good. Post some pics when you get a chance. I'm soilless too. I'm using Promix HP. I'm gonna experiment a little with my plants so I can figure out exactly what has gone wrong. I want to make sure I do it right the next time. I have some northern light and strain hunter money maker feminized seeds (original master kush, hindu kush, and skunk) coming in this week hopefully. Well, it's late and I'm buzzed so I'm gonna go sit in front of Netflix now. lol


Well-Known Member
Great, glad to hear your babies are doing good. Post some pics when you get a chance. I'm soilless too. I'm using Promix HP. I'm gonna experiment a little with my plants so I can figure out exactly what has gone wrong. I want to make sure I do it right the next time. I have some northern light and strain hunter money maker feminized seeds (original master kush, hindu kush, and skunk) coming in this week hopefully. Well, it's late and I'm buzzed so I'm gonna go sit in front of Netflix now. lol
Netflixing Men in black 2 right now lol


Check out the thread "Misting my plants" here on RIU. I'm a noob, but I read it helps to clean the dust off the leaves but it has no real benefit. If you mist do it when the lights are off or about to go off, and be careful not to spray your mh or hps light 'cause they can blow up. That's about all the knowledge I have on "misting" lol


Well, my experiment has begun. Plants have been suffering from nutrient lockout due to pH swing. I watered half my plants with nutrient solution (5.8 pH 630 TDS), and the other half with de-chlorinated water (5.8 pH 211 TDS) yesterday. It's only a day later and I see definite improvement. Hoping I get some good growth going on. Been veg'ing for 63 days, so it's about time things get better. If not, I'm breaking this grow down and starting over. First three pictures were taken today. Last picture was taken on 2/25/14.

