First Grow - Tent - 400W - BPN - THC Bomb - Violator Kush - Advice Welcome


Active Member
Even on my own charts, when I have nothing to note about my girls, they get an A+ and so do yours. Heat looks well under control. They look deep green and healthy. They are getting awfully big though if you haven't flipped them yet; I would.


Well-Known Member
I think it just may look like that due to cell phone pics. The smaller 4 need 5-6 more days imo.


Well-Known Member
RIP the tall one :(. I killed it yesterday then transplanted the next biggest plant (need more soil for the 5th one). The preflowers got real definitive on both big ones, so the one still left that's bagseed should be female according to my observation/research.

I decided they have until friday to finish vegging :).

Fresh training on the big girl:

The two on the left here are next (canopy shot):



Well-Known Member
All have been transplanted to the large pots, and 4 out of the 5 are being trained now.
4 more days :)

more coke bottles:


Well-Known Member
Past 3 days- oldest to newest, with the last one finally being trained:

Tomorrow at noon, they're getting the flip :)


Well-Known Member
Looking very green and dank in there. I have a couple of thc bombs in there 5th week of flower. It is in the last few pages of my journal. Take a look and let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely a ton of bud sites. Can't wait to see some bud porn!

Again- Thanks a lot for the help guys... you all have way more experience than me, so advice is very valuable to me, and I look at all of it.


Active Member
You're definitely gonna get some heavy buds in there. As soon as the stretch is over, stake them. I believe staking them into the pots harms the roots slightly. I would refrain from waiting to far into flower to do it. Wouldn't want to stress them during bud making time. Also, you don't want to stake them too early because the stretch will prove them tied to low. Just a thought I had.


Well-Known Member
Any staking advice or links you use? I already had thought about it, but they are no where near their final size....

There are 3 different plants I cannot see being able to support big buds without some help.


Active Member
Home Depot sells thin bamboo stakes that are cheap and come like 6 to a pack and are 5 or 6 ft long. They are sturdy, yet not so thick they will cause significant root damage. Stake closest to the outside of the soil container. You could also use Gorilla Tape to simply tape them to the outside of the pot. It's pretty much common sense. You'll only need to top the tallest branches in the canopy, most of the growth will focus itself there.

From the pics, it looks like a few fan leaves could be pushed down to allow more light to every bud sight.



Well-Known Member
Pics are going to suck from now on, unfortunately. Switched to the HPS bulb.... :(. I don't even have a camera that's capable of flashing enough to capture them with the light off. I don't think I'm going to be taking them out of the tent much, but I'll try my best to get some better pictures, especially when the buds start coming in nicely.

I need some advice this week: How can I minimize stretch during these first 2 weeks? I understand the HPS makes them stretch more than MH but still trying to keep it down. What is optimal light height during these first two weeks? They didn't like 8 inches from the tips, some started folding. Now I have them at 10" (more like 11-13 since the bulb is higher than the glass).

When is the latest I can top/fim them if I want?
What should my target PPM be about now?

My humidity rose to 62% lately. If it stays right there, I won't be too bothered. But how can I drop the humidity a little (cheaply/easily)?

They've been through two nights of darkness now, but some of the pics are right before the switch and yesterday as well. They should be in order though:



Active Member
Go by what your nutrient label says. Start just shy of the recommended dosage and slowly increase the ppm by 100 fed feed until you notice your pushing them to far. You shouldn't be able to raise it much above the recommended dose so be careful. Raising the ppm should peak at week 5 of flower and level off. I give no nutrients in the last week or so. As far as light height, you will have to judge where the temperature safe distance is. Use the back of your hand to judge the temperature if you can't use a thermometer. If it is hot on the hand, its to hot for the buds. A few degree to high could cost you ounces.

Don't cut them past the first week of flower. Occasionally, this rule is broken for a fan leaf that refuses to be pushed out of the way and stay there. You can use the LST that you have already been using to pull down high tops.

Humidity is absorbed with either baking soda or baking powder. Can't remember which. It will absorb some smell too. They are quickly saturated though so need to be replaced. Filling an open container in the room may help. Increase the room air circulation or temperature. The hotter it is, the less water the air can hold. But, don't breach 80 degrees. You should consider a dehumidifier for cheap on Ebay. But, with decent ventilation and a lot of air circulation, the water will remain in the air and not on your mods causing mold. Above 80% humidity with no moving air is the trouble zone. Keep the fans pointed up through the canopy and directly on it. You can't have to much air movement, provided the girls can take the wind. I keep 2 oscillating fans on high, a 424cfm exhaust and a 200+cfm air conditioner in my large room. It's My girls get whipped around pretty good in veg to toughen their branches and keep them shorter.


Well-Known Member
Here they are yesterday right after being fed:

Half were retrained yesterday after being put back in the tent. Then the other half- this morning when they woke up.

Here's current canopy shots, light/tent setup (I think I have more than enough room for some tasty buds of 3 different strains), and an early bud shot:



Well-Known Member
looking great man a couple weeks from now they are gonna start getting stinky, hope your setup with a carbon filter and stuff. that was the reason i had to chop early

only shows the filter in the pics 2 posts above this one....duh LOL