First Grow - Tent - 400W - BPN - THC Bomb - Violator Kush - Advice Welcome


Well-Known Member
i find that males smell more in veg than females...but like Dude said there is no real way of telling.

i also find that males generally show sex before females (this is actually pretty accurate but not always the case) so when switching to 12/12 if you find a couple males and the other plants dont seem to be doing much, 9 times out of 10 the others are female.


Well-Known Member
They're going crazy now, but can't decide if I want to scratch the tallest and wait for the smaller ones to get bigger before flowering..... or I can scrap the two smaller ones and flower in a few days. I dont know :(. The smallest plants are one VK and one bomb. Not sure how I should go about this lol. Any ideas? This is the tent with 4 big pots and 2 small ones squeezed in there:



Active Member
If they are not feminized, I wouldn't get rid of any of them just yet. Then the decision would be easy: kill the males. Though if they are feminized, I don't see any reason not to grow them all. You would have to put the taller ones on milk crates or something to make their canopy match the rest. One plant per square foot if fine, you could also get a single plant trellis for each of the taller ones and restrain them under it until the others catch up.


Well-Known Member
looking great man

LST the taller ones, this will bring everything closer to the same height then you can wait for the shorter ones to grow a bit taller while the bigger ones adjust to the training.


Well-Known Member
If they are not feminized, I wouldn't get rid of any of them just yet. Then the decision would be easy: kill the males. Though if they are feminized, I don't see any reason not to grow them all. You would have to put the taller ones on milk crates or something to make their canopy match the rest. One plant per square foot if fine, you could also get a single plant trellis for each of the taller ones and restrain them under it until the others catch up.
the shorter ones....sorry had to :)

but yeah good advice here as well :)


Well-Known Member
If you build a ScROG screen that fits the whole tent you can tran the bigger plants into the screen as well as the smaller ones, once the screen gets a nice even canopy flip to flower. i like to wait until the branches are about 2 inches above the screen to flip then the stretch gives you some nice 1-1.5 ft colas.

If you dont train the bigger ones and keep waiting on the smaller ones theres a good chance they will stretch when you flip to flower and get too big, training 1 week into flower is doable but its better to train them while still in a vegatative stage.

If you take a piece of string and tie the top down withing a week the lower branches of the plant will make their way to the canopy giving you more tops and less small side branching. then you can just lollypop them a week or so into fower so you dont have a bunch of energy going to popcorn nodes and focusing on the main colas.

look into Low Stress Training (LST), Screen of Green (ScROG). when you ScROG its a good idea to LST as well but you can get away with LSTing and not using a screen if you dont want to do a ScROG


Active Member
Why would you make the taller ones taller? Then the short ones would only be more blocked by the light. Not sure how your edit makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Why would you make the taller ones taller? Then the short ones would only be more blocked by the light. Not sure how your edit makes sense.
wouldnt you put the shorter ones on the milk crates to make the plants even, if you put the taller ones on crates it just makes them even taller than the short ones.

you said "You would have to put the taller ones on milk crates or something" im not sure if were on the same page here but i would think you would want to put the shorter ones on the crates so they were closer to the lights


Well-Known Member
I like being able to remove the plants at will to water them easier, so I don't think scrog is for me on this grow. I thought about lst'ing the tall ones... which I think I might do tonight.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I thought the bold was an edit. I didn't realize I wrote the wrong thing. Thanks.
haha all good man, i figured it was a simple case of "thinking one thing and typing another" but i had to point it out.

@ Jason, LST is probally your best bet then, i agree it is invaluable to be able to bring the plants out to the sink when its time to water. my ScROG screens are attached directly to my containers so i can still take them out.

LST is relativly easy to do just be carefull not to break the top off, if you do its not game over!! a little masking tape on hand while you do your tying is verry good practice, one of my plants i broke the top off it 3 times (oops) had the tape handy just taped it back together and it never even stopped growing, 2 weeks later was able to take tape off and the plant had a full heal. sometimes its a good practice to just bend a little bit every 24 hours untill you get desired results, this gives the plant a little time to adjust to the bend and reform its cell structure. also with your containers it may be a good idea to use a weight instead of tying right to the pot, i find a 20 Oz soda bottle full of water works well this way you can still move the plant and dont have to make such a arch in the main stalk to acive the position you want the top in.

the whole idea of LST is the move the top lower than the top of the bottom most node, this makes the bottom nodes think they are tops and grow upwards with more vigor. then once your ready to flower just untie the plant and let the main top re establish its location (but never let it grow taller than the rest, it will always grow a nice cola no matter where it is in comparison to the rest of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I read up about it a few weeks ago. Thanks for the soda bottle trick, that sounds right up my alley.

Thanks so much for the tips, seriously they are invaluable to me while I'm growing my first cannabis plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I read up about it a few weeks ago. Thanks for the soda bottle trick, that sounds right up my alley.

Thanks so much for the tips, seriously they are invaluable to me while I'm growing my first cannabis plants.
anytime man, if you get stuck just ask im usually not far away. im a computer info system major and its finals week so ill be sitting at this machine probally most of the day every day until work is done. so i check the boards often so i dont get too mind locked on code.


Well-Known Member
Slowly moving the tall stem down. Looking good now. Also raised the other plants up, and rearranged the light/filter so I can raise the light easier lol.

Almost level canopy now, hopefully in the next week it will be perfect.

The one that's topped and being trained:



Well-Known Member
Preflowers on the tall one look like it is a male. But I'm not going to let my inexperience kill a good plant, so I will wait for the flip :).

Canopy is really evening out now, even though I'm going to re-pot one in a week:

Healthiest plant
