First Time Grower, detailed basic setup, feedback requested


Active Member
Hey everyone, new to the site, and so far, im really impressed with the amount of information that is being shared. I was looking for a good place to ask a couple questions, and it seems as though here is as good as any. I am researching to prep for my first setup and so far i feel i have all of the required points for my simple grow room but i would like a little input if you all wouldnt mind.

I am going to be growing 5 plants in my closet, which is small, but should be ok, its about 40" wide, 25" deep, 5'5" high.

I was looking at a 400w HPS with MH conversion for lighting. Would starting off with the MH bulb and then switching to HPS for flowering have any stress for the plants? and would i still need flourescent light if i purchase a system that can use both bulbs? can my plants still grow tall without the HPS light at the early stages?

I am aware that there is a world of options for starting soils, and i gather that Potting Mix, Perlite, Sand, and Organic/Pre-Mix are my basic necessities. I found on a site that i should add Bat Guano and Seafood/Fish Fertilizer. Are there any recommendations or objections to those last two ingredients? and are they only suggested for in-soil nutrients?

I would like to purchase some basic nutrients for my plants to increase the potential yield and quality of buds. Again, i know there are a world of options, but since my operation is small, i suppose all i really need is a suggestion of brand type.. i was planning to go with Jacks Classics All Purpose for veg cycle and Blossom Booster for flowering cycle (if im not mistaken), any confirmations or objections? any other brands or nutrient types i may need? and anything for other cycles?

other than lamp/bulbs, soils, and nutrients my item list consists of:
5 gal Pots
Lighting Timer
Ph Tester
Pruning Shears
30x Mag
Small Fan

Basically all i am looking for is some final input before i invest to make the purchases for my first setup. I understand that this is TOTALLY a trial and error process, but i would like my first try to come about fairly decently because my money does not come in abundance. I hope my post and questions are clear and the variables are minimal. Thanks for your time, support, and feedback. HOLLA!


New Member
1. No, switching from mh to hps for flowering would not stress it thats actually what ur supposed to do cuz theres more red spectrum vs. mh being more blue. I've heard that the best is both but i don't know.
2. I'd go with fox farms ocean forest soil man its good for the plants first month without adding anything; cum check out my grow i have four lemon skunks in soil that are a little over three weeks old and lookin good as hell.
3. Who put u up on this jacks shit? Not sayin its garbage but i've never heard of it. I've done a lot of researching myself and cum to the conclusion that advanced nutrients is probably be ur best bet i heard in high times they formulate it for weed. They make some shit called sensi grow a&b and sensi bloom a&b. Covers both cycles. They also make this shit called connosiuer for flowering stage supposed to be the shit seen it used in sum quality grows around here little pricey though.
4. Looks like u got all ur supplies except a ppm meter or tds. Believe me this is important i still don't have one and i fucked up once already becuz i had no way of knowing how much nutes i had in there i've been just guessin. I'm gettin one this weekend and highly suggest u get one too you'll thank me later when ur plants are healthy and not nute burnt.
5. Good F@##in luck if u love weed as much as i do your gonna love growin it.


New Member
If u want man cum check out my grow and see sum shit ur not supposed to do. Like fimming before there are five nodes. The one has only just now recovered and started growing again.


Well-Known Member
ur good to go...

you can look at the fox farm nutes... tigerbloom and what not, they cover the main nutes and the micro nutes too....

you'll want to get a PH meter, or the PH drops, before you get the ppm thing...

as long as you follow the directions on the nutes ur gonna use i don't think you should have any troubles...

look at getting some molasses for flowering...

good luck...


Well-Known Member
That "Jack Shit" is actually very good line of nutrients, many people sware by them. And Fox Farm Ocean Forest in known for burning plants and having the wrong ratio of nutrients, but when cut with a soil such as Light Warrior, it makes a pretty good base soil.


Active Member
Thanks alot for your input guys,

Redivider, ive looked into the Fox Farms and they seem pretty knowledgeable on their website and their nutes look like they cover many of the needed factors, thanks. Also, what am i going to need the molasses for when flowering?

TheDude, thanks for the lighting notes, you gave me the answer i was hoping to hear. It seems as though your other tips are geared more towards a hydro system, i couldnt really tell which tips could apply to me, but if im just confused feel free to correct me. Im doing alot of info cramming myself so i could just be lost.

As for my soil:
I looked into Fox Farms products and again it seems to have all that i need. Reaver, im a little weary though because you said it was known to burn plants. I am willing to purchase the light warrior and make the mixture but i am curious if that is my best bet. I was going to go with Miracle Grow and buy the parts separately to make my soil. Is there any reason why i should stay away from Miracle Grow? cuz they seem to be pretty popular as well.


New Member
Tranplant shock my ass reaver as u can see mine are doin fine in soil and never showed any tranplant shock they just took off whoever experiences transplant shock either wasn't careful while tranplanting or had a weak strain. If your goin soil man just use ocean forest if ur a new grower there's no point in tryin to mix ur own shit cuz then you'll have to research the best way to do it or u could just look up subcools recipe that dude's grows are always sick so obviously he knows a thing or two about mixin soil. If u use ocean forest here's what i did; I germed the seeds in the paper towel method then let them do their thing in rockwool cubes that i soaked in aquafina(r/o water)for about a week before moving them to soil. When i transplanted them i just kinda pulled the cube apart leaving just plant and taproot. be careful doing this though and if it seems like u can't get it all the way off just plant sum of the cube with it. Actually u could probably just plant the cube itself to be safe and not sorry it will work just fine. If u want to see reaver proved wrong cum check out my plants the ones in soil are on the right. All i've used is sensi grow a&b and just the other day i gave them sum voodooo juice.


New Member
By the way if thats u in the avatar man don't smoke around ur plants it makes them close their stomata and slows growth and if u have enuff around it it will stop growin.