First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
i found something like those at walmart like 5 bucks a piece,20 watt should i buy?and its cool man,does mine have nute burn?


Well-Known Member
i think its worth trying, thats all i do is try new things,even if people say it cant be done. i find these small tubes which r 3400k which is not supposed to work on veg,it just produces short and lots of leaf, not much stem either.will look at plant,but really on a small plant there is really very little need 4 food,it cant use food without enough light.nute burns are from tip and go brown,bit like a cigarette burning along.those t4 need putting in a box that they only just fit,heat will b ok,do check def t4 or t5


Well-Known Member
how long do uthink it will keep going b4 it starts flowering? u just gently nip out the new growth at top?


Well-Known Member
yup yup yup,and i heard anywhere from a week to 2 depends,i hope it starts showing sex soon,if its male im gonna trash it and germinate 2 small plants and then plant both in the big potter


Well-Known Member
c now people av been telling me you cant make them flower until they r like 8 weeks old. funny cause i thought i remembered smoking 1 tht was about 3 inches tall,spect it still grows some while flowering?


Well-Known Member
u can flower whenever u want,the plant might die though it all depends on if it wants to live or not,the longer u veg the bigger it gets,and if u veg for less then 3 weeks its hard to get it to flower and takes awhile,hopefully within a week


Well-Known Member
or instead of getting CO2 you could just talk to your plants. haha its free at least. just call someone on the phone while youre right in front of it


Well-Known Member
what single stem?and i got a fan running on the plant now heres an updated pic of the setup is it good?Also topped updated pic!


Fan and Setup


Notice the mylar and shit

Fan homes!

The whole setup


Well-Known Member
im blinded,fan will do good, instead of tryin to bush, you cut the side branches off and concentrate the light on the top cola.the hi 1s r bigger and i say better,sreading the light aint always good. c02 cheap skate u r, little sugar,little yeast,warm water in a bottle,hole in top,little plastic pipe feeding c02 nr your plant.i use on my seedligs,that 1 i posted 2 weeks old had c02


Well-Known Member
haha bbqchip i know but look at my new grow put money into it and its coming nicely so far cant wait to sex it,kind of tall and stalkly put never had time to bush out yet cause of only 2 weeks veg i hope itll be female or at least hermie,i wanna get some yield!


Well-Known Member
nice plant, im on my first grow and on a budget too. 5 plants with 5x23w cfl one for each plant :mrgreen:. 10 days younger then urs.


Well-Known Member
i got 3 23 watt on this one bound ot have one more soon my friend sent me bulbs in the mail today! i should get them soon then one more splitter,and at this store by my house they have a socket with metal heat absoribing ballast that i can buy for 15 bucks,then buy a hPS bulb 250 watt 8 bucks and then one more rubbermaid and next time hav ea rubbermaid setup in my room,need to buy a computer fan or someway to vent it i have one fan to put inside


Well-Known Member
yea,im broke so im fine with what i have,one more cfl maybe 2 and id be happy as fuck! the fan is helping alot,no heat nemore,temperature dropped like 5 degrees the lights r cool now and not burning so i moved them closer!