First time grower using AN nutrients G,M,B Bud Candy and Big Bud NEED HELP!


I am using An G,M,B Big Bud and Bud Candy my girls look great bud I don't know if im feeding the right amount. I have a ppm meeter and I measure nutrients at around 1100-1200 ppm but I use more nutrients then An's nutrient calculator says to or I could be reading the thing wrong I here that happens alot. Can any one tell me if I doing it right? Like I said my girls look great but I have serious O.C.D. I also want to know if my ppm meeter is right.
This is how I feed
1.5 tsp per gal G,M,B
1.5 tsp per gal Bud Candy
.33 or one third tsp per gal Big Bud powder


Well-Known Member
sounds right cause I use about 1 and 1/2 teaspoons per gallon and my ppm is around 850 so that sounds good to me


Active Member
I read and hear that people go up to 1600 or even 1800 ppm is that really necessary.
i wouldnt say it is necessary but some people do it because some strains can handle it. It all depends on the strain, some strains can handle more nutes than others. If you decide to feed them more, go up a little at a time and if you see signs of nute burn then cut back the nutes some. That is my opinion anyway.


Well-Known Member
that seems really high, maybe if you water once a month lol but i guess if she's a hungry bitch. Do you measure your water before you add ur food because before I started using RO water my cities water supply was at like 350 ppm so end results I had to take it up to 1150 ppm


I use R.O water too. This is my first week at 1100 ppm and my fifth week of flower. I started around 750 ppm and worked my way up but I kept reading that people feed at 1600 ppm. What do you feed at? I mean they look good. There might be a little burn but ICE leaves yellow in flower so it is hard to tell. I have Wonder Woman in the same system and I am burning her but don't care much because that bitch is only producing about a quarter of what the ICE is. Next time I clone its going to be just ICE.