first time with clones! please, advise needed!


Well-Known Member
i got NYC diesle and strawberry cough clones. i have never used cloens before, alsways starting from seed. some are almost a foot tall....some are 6 inches tall. they are in a cup of water under a flouro, and have been so for 20 hours. what should the next step be?

heres what i got..
600w MH / SHPS
big containers and smaller ones,
veg room...flouros....
flower room...SHPS....(wont need the halide uch anymore)

have all successful harvests, first time with clones. quiestion is, can i slit them with sterile raxor blade an put deirectly into medium (coco coir)? or is the rockwool until rooting step nessesary?

please let me know there is sortof a timeline here. and dont know what to do!!!

HELP! (give all the rep i can if you care)




Active Member
I am pretty positive you can put them directly in the coco. The rock wool is nice cause you can see when they root but you just have to watch for new growth in the coco.

Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
the clones are 2 days old, in rockwool ater dipping in rooting hormone for 30 seconds, slpit the cutting in half at the 45 degree cut, placed them in the soloution at 2.5ml (house and garden) and rootX. the cunes are about 1 inch sq, maybe 1.5. they are in a dome and the dome is spayed for humididty.

should the cubes ever get dry or constantyl moist? thanks for the help, first time with these girls and stoked to have em.

the cuttings range from 3 to 5 inches....they have stopped the droop read about and are getting straight. under / green spectrum.....kinda, ya know..

thanks again, please, keep this going, as said its all new and hard to find credible info.....


Active Member
You know I think I can help you out. I just took cuttings myself actually on the 13th. I took a total of 12 clones ranging anywhere from 4-6 inch tall. They were put into rockwol cubes and I keep the cubes moist at all times not drenched. If you drench them it will take much longer for them to root due to lack of oxygen, maybe even die out if its real bad. Keep that environment at around 90% humidity or just do what I do spray the crap out of my dome and cuttings every 2-4 hours depending how fast the dome dries and how much air flow you have going in and out. I will post some stuff up about my clones over on my thread if you wanna check it out. Should be up by tomorrow.

Happy Growings to you!


Well-Known Member
AWESOME thanks and the same to not soaked so air gets in....makes sense.......its the litte up tomm as well for you....


Active Member
Good Ill keep an eye out for them. yea not soaked. when you pick up the cube it shouldnt be drippin water thats always an indicator I use


Well-Known Member
cool thanks, yea spraying the heck outta the dome and keeping moist, not drenehd, lookin better, gotta get mylar up yet......



Active Member
any pics of those little cuttings. One more thing if ur not already doing it cut half the leaves off helps the plants a ton. Im sure if you look at my pics you can see that.....


Well-Known Member
yea, camera charger lost.....thanks for info, looking good, ill get rid of the low yellow leaves..... thansk again when i find that charger ill get em up....soon!


Well-Known Member
cut the lower leaves off and am foilar feeding....keepong super humid in dome. one has roted, not sure about the others....hope all is well, wheres that dam charger!!!


Active Member
Hey there good to hear. I have about 5 out of the 12 with atleast 1 visible root. That was yesterday so guessing and hoping I have a few more!