Flipping to 12/12


I'm flipping to 12/12 ,I have couple questions as this is my first grow , when do I start the flowering nutes? And do I start out giving quarter of them or is it safe to give them full strength ? I veg the plants (ak48 and kaya gold ) for well over 10 to 12 weeks and they was taking full strength veg nutes for at least 6 weeks . I feed them nutes once a week ,water them 3 times a week with mollases for one ,nutes for one and plain water for one... So they have had plenty of nutes ... Thanks for all replys ...


Well-Known Member
Well from the sounds of it you have been providing fertilizer (AKA "Nutes") for a bit of time and they seem to be doing well.

Why don't you just keep up the program you are with see how they do?

I've never watered 3 times/week but if this is working for you go for it.

Peace - AIM


Well they are the veg nutes ,( boost, grow ,sugar daddy ,route 66, and cal meg) but now I'm in the flower stage ...I have a set of flowering nutes for flower stage (bloom, blossoms,sugar daddy, Route 66 ,cal meg ) I think is the ones . I'm needing to know if full strength would be too much of them ,but I was doing full strength with the veg nutes so they nutes won't be new to them you know but thanks ...aim ...and yeah they are drinking a lot of water too sometimes (rarely) ill water 2x a week but when that happens they are completely dry and already dropped and I think that stresses them so I try not to let them be bone dry .
I'm flipping to 12/12 ,I have couple questions as this is my first grow , when do I start the flowering nutes? And do I start out giving quarter of them or is it safe to give them full strength ? I veg the plants (ak48 and kaya gold ) for well over 10 to 12 weeks and they was taking full strength veg nutes for at least 6 weeks . I feed them nutes once a week ,water them 3 times a week with mollases for one ,nutes for one and plain water for one... So they have had plenty of nutes ... Thanks for all replys ...
Technaflora, ahh this is a nice lineup. Just go ahead and follow your schedule, but on your next FEED cycle, just use the flowering nutes. I just flipped mine the day after my last veg feeding. Now I need to water them with plain PH'd water two more times, and I'm also going to switch my fertilizer over to flowering stage.