Flouro grower assemble!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay im putting together a small chart for newbies and going to ask the staff to sticky it under newbie central, the only problem is im missing the info for flouro grows t5 and induction and need the input to finish the chart.

Here is what i have:

Heres a basic layout for lights
HPS and MH:
100w- 1'x1' Grow Space
150w- 1.5'x1.5' Grow Space
250w- 2'x2' Grow Space
400w- 3'x3' Grow Space
600w- 3.5'x3.5' Grow Space
1000w- 4'x4' Grow Space
1500w- 5'x5' Grow Space

CFL to be equivalent to 250w hid:
150w per square foot for veg
300w per square foot for flower

Flouro tubes and induction flouro:
Not to sure on need other input from flouro tube growers for this one

Each panel has its own area coverage so cant give those numbers
240w LED = 250w HID
300w LED = 400w HID
500w LED = 600w HID
800w LED = 1000w HID

1000w- 4'x4' area (i think 1000w is the only size out right now)

Limited use lights:
Mercury Vapor- Use only i large grow space with good ventilation and during
last few weeks of flower to promote trichome production from emitted UVB

Lights you should not use: