flowering during budding ? first grow so a weee bit confused.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused as to what you mean. Flowering is budding, to get buds you need to induce your plants to flowering at 12/12.

First Time Growin

Active Member
Flowering and budding are different terminology for the same thing...
ex: Judging by the picture you posted, your plant is flowering/budding. (it's all on choice of how you wanna call it)


this is were i mean

flwr day 44 (3)a.jpg

buds are doing really well but i found these yellow guys and im not too sure, but if pistel do this let me know guys



Well-Known Member
yeah well your growing in a attic with a hps and your probaly had your buds rather close too the bulb and probaly burned the bud abit or its just a nitrogen deprived leaf on 1 of your buds, flowering = budding they are one in the same the bud is a flower and the flower is a bud.
id suggest researching the bear basics of growing before you attempt too.


think i found an answer:
Originally Posted by darkdestruction420
i dont really get what you mean, do you mean your plant is growing male flower/s it appears? during last few weeks of flowering its not uncommon for a girl to put out a couple pollen sacks in a last ditch attempt to breed, but just snip em off and your perfectly fine. your pics didnt help alot, lol, could you try showing what your talking about(the possible banana) from a few different angles?


little yellow flowers on the bud's


the problem i am comming across currently is small yellow flowers forming on my almost completed budd's their only on one of my plants and only apear on 25 % of the budds on the lower inner 3rd of the plant where it gets the least amount of light. as far as the strain im not to sure i started with a grab bag of seeds I got out of various stuff i payed to much for at the time but was happy to find a seed. I know describing the problem isn't going to help with out a picture but im working on that currently. from what i have come across in the forums people seem to think these are male pods indicating a hermi but with no real conclusions and the pictures people had didnt look like what was going on with mine. So is this common for a plant to hermi this late into flowering right on the home stretch. If this is the case im gonna harvest them now and take a hit on the yeild im only growing for personal anyway. So basicly i just want to know did my plants decide to hermy on me on the homestretch or am i just getting strange growths


Before you listen to these "strangers" (tussel, and rolla aren't) who don't know what they are talking about let me fill you in. I had a very similar incident happen with my Hindu Kush last spring. It was in its last 3-4 weeks and I noticed several male flowers at the bottom section. I immediately pulled the male flowers off with tweezers to prevent pollen from flying everywhere. Gave the plant a thorough visual check-up, then headed to Barnes & Noble to read "marijuana Horticulture" by Jorge Cervantes. (This book is currently rated #1 among serious and experienced growers)

Cervantes has an entire section of a chapter donated to the topic of hermies (which your and my plant were/are not). A hermie plant will have both male and female flowers at every flower site. What you have is what is called an "intersexed" plant. This is fairly common, and is often confused by amateurs as a hermie.

What to do????
Until harvest time, give your plant a good check up every day to ensure no more are blooming, pick any male preflowers as well. If your case is anything like mine was then I can tell you, your cola will not be seeded. And potency will not be affected.

I am actually happy this happened to me. The Kush seed I planted was the only one I had, after this happened I got 13 seeds from the plant, all on the lower 1/4. Now I have seeds to a plant that A) I know the growing time needed; B) I know its potency; C)I know I can grow it.

Do not listen to the nay-sayers, this is a blessing. Trust me.



Well-Known Member
Its not a blessing if you did not intend to have seeds, depends on how many buds got pollenated. I have a few of my white widow buds pollentated by mistakenly drying out some males plants I pulled in same closet. fortunately it only pollenated a few buds but I am unsure of which strains mixed so I do not really want to grow any of these seeds and wil stick with my clones


sorry guys for not describing my problem right... i was just freaking out a bit, every thing so far has gone to plan and im getting so close. donna want to fuck it up now :)


Well-Known Member
Its not a blessing if you did not intend to have seeds, depends on how many buds got pollenated. I have a few of my white widow buds pollentated by mistakenly drying out some males plants I pulled in same closet. fortunately it only pollenated a few buds but I am unsure of which strains mixed so I do not really want to grow any of these seeds and wil stick with my clones
also make sure you have no light leaks as this may have caused the stress which produced the male sacks unless your strain is susceptible


Well-Known Member
sorry guys for not describing my problem right... i was just freaking out a bit, every thing so far has gone to plan and im getting so close. donna want to fuck it up now :)
not freaking out a bit, keep an eye on those babies. YOur almost there!! good luck


New Member
Its pretty normal for this to happen when harvested late or when using unknown bagseed or when subjecting it to unnecessary stress....
what u have is the male ball opened up forming bananas....since its already open,the pollen has already spread...