flowering for a little under 3 weeks....do they look ok?

so im wondering, probley stupid question but why worrie bout rust? i saw a bunch of ants in there. should i worry bout those. im gonna go pull those poles


Well-Known Member
Rust is actually beneficial to plants guys.... it carries nutrients, like iron.... Fe.....

This grow looks great, lots of tops, a shame it wasn't screened.


Well-Known Member
^ that and aren't those pipes copper? If so then the proper response is what rust?
yeah this is only my second grow...im working on learning...think im wasting light...more like 12 or 14 plants....not just 4


Well-Known Member
Your grow looks good BH. I'm impressed with the number of tops that you are going to have. Did you top, fim or pinch? Any other training technique?
yeah i just reached and pinched everywhere i thought would help...then the one sativa in the front i pinned down and opened up witch let all the inside grow way more...just read like 3books and had a real successful cfl grow then changed up to the 600 switchable...fresh air intake...carbon filter...box is 2' 7 by 2'7 by 5' high
i have 165 cfm intake fan that split between the box and light giving the light a longer duct so it gets less air...then i have a 4in comp. fan pushing the outtake....and a temp/humidity gauge....staying in normal range