Flowering Tips And Tricks?


Well-Known Member

was just looking for tricks people use to increase plant yield or anything. Has anyone tried spraying plant with nutrient mist as well as normal watering?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member

was just looking for tricks people use to increase plant yield or anything. Has anyone tried spraying plant with nutrient mist as well as normal watering?
I know that those of us growing with HID lights do not foliar feed because the moisture drops act as a magnifying glass and burn the leaves and buds. It could be done during lights out, but they have to be dry by the time the lights come back on. I do not wish to wander around my flowering room in the dark trying to foliar feed my plants. That is too much like work.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
fuck blossom,sugar daddy, and big bud. its a waste of money, there main ingredients is Carbohydrates. USE MOLASSES...1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water...some people use it every watering. some people use 1 time a week.. just get a feel for it. It has to be BACKSTRAP MOLASSES though. the 2nd month of flowering is really where the plant uses and needs carbs. some studies have had a 20% increase in bud weight.


Well-Known Member
Can I apply molasses in the last 3 weeks or so of budding? Where do you get Backstrap Molasses from? I am quite intrigued.


Well-Known Member
Yes and the same place you buy the rest of your food you eat lol!
So I don't have to hunt at specialist food shops for the BLACKSTRAP one? I know I can get normal molasses at the super markets.

Thanks :)

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Molasses is good in soil, but don't use it in hydro.
It will clog your sprayers/pumps.

If you want to get bigger yields, get to know your strain.
Up your EC/ppm as high as possible without burning the plants. Feed em as much as they can eat and get the lights as close as you can without burning or causing heat stress. Also, make sure to flush the last week or two.

Might take you a few grows to get it on lock, but it'll be worth it.


Well-Known Member
I've never fully understood the reason for flushing in the last week or two. Can you elaborate a little or maybe the process you follow? Thanks :D:D :D:D:D:D Can't wait for some fat, nice quality buds.:bigjoint:

P.s. Thanks heaps for the great summary. Could prove quite helpful!:clap::clap::leaf:

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Well during flowering you are feeding your plants a shitload of nutrients, right?

If you just chop it down and smoke it without flushing, all that stuff is going to be there. Ions, metals, salts, etc.

If you give it a week or two to flush, your plant is going to stop taking in new nutrients and have a chance to metabolize all of the food that it has stored up in its leaves, etc. You can actually see this process happening, because the fanleaves will start to fade in color. The cool part is, once the dark green color starts to fade, then purple/red colors can start to show a lot more.

You can definitely taste the difference between flushed hydro and non-flushed.

If you want to try and experiment, try heavy feeding and then NOT flushing. Then cut some fanleaves and put them in the microwave.

I accept no responsibility for anything that happens to your microwave.


Well-Known Member
So when I see amber hairs, I should just give him clean water until its ready to harvest?

So I should not give it molasses or Epsom salts to stop it from yellowing?