flush before harvest


Active Member
hey everyone im growing outdoor in soil in pots and have always done a 2-3 day flush before harvest. ive read in books that for soil growers you need to flush for 14 days. is this true or just over kill? the pots are 5 gallon and i flush with 15 gallons of water do i need to do this for 14 days or the norml 2-3 days im use to?


Well-Known Member
From my understanding, the "3 x the pot size" flush is only a ONE TIME deal.. Then you just water with PLAIN water the rest of the 2 weeks.
Right, this is how I do it. One big flush(3 times the amount) then just water as normal for the rest of the time. No nutes from then on.
funny you say that.. I was just thinking maybe I should give them 1 last feeding of maybe 1/2 strength Tiger Bloom.Then 3-4 plain waterings b4 chop.But iunno since I just flushed about 5 days ago. Some say flushing reduces yeild/potency while others say ur bud tastes like shyte w/out flushing..


Active Member
i grew my plants without nutes just plain water and tlc my plants are taller than me and starting to bud wat do i do or will it do its own? please help im new 2 tha site dnt kno where to look please help


i havent flushed in dirt of hydro in 2 yrs and my bud tastes better than anything ive boughten in 10....most people say no flush is bad cause they never tried it, but heh im just telling you my personal experience not something i read on the internet weed growing page


Active Member
if you don't want to taste the nutes and stuff then harvest just before sunrise before it all gets sent back up into the leaves/buds. I have fertilized on the day of harvest (watered before checking her) and made sure she was in the dark for about 12 hours before harvesting her and she tasted as fruity and clean as the rest of my harvests.


^ just because its darkness doesnt mean all the water and nutrients dump back into the resevoir and nutes, that is UNTRUE and MADE up and i could guess where you probably heard it, your friend or an internet weed growing site, they are both liars, it has no effect what time you harvest at, thc production is a process and takes time and you will not effect it or fix it but harvesting at a certain hour sorry


Active Member
i grew my plants without nutes just plain water and tlc my plants are taller than me and starting to bud wat do i do or will it do its own? please help im new 2 tha site dnt kno where to look please help
Start a new thread in the newbie section instead of trying to hijack someone else's please.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
if you don't want to taste the nutes and stuff then harvest just before sunrise before it all gets sent back up into the leaves/buds. I have fertilized on the day of harvest (watered before checking her) and made sure she was in the dark for about 12 hours before harvesting her and she tasted as fruity and clean as the rest of my harvests.
So harvesting before daylight eliminates the need to flush? LOL

Fertilizer can inhibit combustion - ever had weed that doesn't want to stay lit? This is the main reason for flushing.


green cross is correct, however, this is also due to lack of curing and due to moisture in the bud, and the reason for the ''crackle'' is most of the time because of high nitrogen late in flower ( when you dont need it ) i stop feeding nitogen at week 3-4 flower and i have NEVER had crackly buds, only shit that tastes like heaven and gets you high in one hit everytime. i personally find flushing useless, just another time i have to empty my res and balance my ph, waste of time to me, but to each his own im sure someone will still call my buds worse and nastier tasting than theirs because they flush for 2 weeks without even tasting or looking at any of the weed ive ever grown but dang thats the internet world, where everyone knows it all and google is the most creditable source.