For the Beginner a few Cheap Tricks


Active Member
Believe it or not, that was exactly how my first grow was. Had some seeds from a reg bag, Cut open a bag of fertilizer that i got from the dollar store, stole some miracle grow from my mom, uesd a tanning bed heat lamp that she never used, and grew it in my closet in my bedroom before I went to college (2 seeds, both fem). It got so stinky my dad found it and told me to move it to the outdoor shed and if i got caught he would deny it. Got a half ounce and blazed with my dad on the road trip to USC. Graduated from college and been growing for myself ever since. Man i miss the 90's!
I gotta say that is awesome you and your dad bonded like that, my pops would drink with me but never smoke. He mentions it about every few months while im over his house. Says he should smoke a joint but no ill probably get hooked. Lmfao he is very proud to never do any drugs dunno why he can drink better then a fish. Anyways ive offered itto him and he back pedals :) i should just bring one over and light it up.
Dude totally my dad is 76 and my wife and nephew and myself got him so blazed it was fucking comedy he has all these old people pains and problems and I was like dad you know just take one little hit hold it blow it out and your good well we smoked went inside I look out the window and my old man is out there token away on the bowl we had loaded before we came inside I'm all like dude what the hell dad I said a hit and you just puffed the whole bowl I was like your not a pot smoker your gonna be fucked up he says I don't feel nothing well he did he was all like aweee I don't feel good I said eat some food he is all like I can't I feel like I'm going to throw up anyway he passed out slept for like 5 hours and woke up regenerated so I say I told you one dad lol