for those that talk about guns,,

Northern canada son ,special
Open carry for protection!!
Look it up!!
Yer no hunter wtf do you know? Lol
Keep tryin
Both of you
As for puting fish down.. is done with shotgun at the side of the boat!!

So again. Side arms for hunting!! :)

Your a fool if you think you can hunt with a handgun. Only special circumstances allow open carry, hunting isn't one. If your JOB requires you to be in secluded wilderness situation you can apply for a ATC FOR PROTECTION, if you can prove a long gun isn't practical. You can't hunt with it. Period.

Wow shotgun for fishing.....just when I thought you have spewed all you ignorance you pull this out. Your amazing......croc hunters only use a .22... what the hell you fishing for that you need a 12g?

FYI I'm an avid sportsman, I've been in the bush since I was in diapers hunting and fishing.
Fact remains you can have open carry and use it for hunying if you so wish!
So fact remains!!
As for fiishing

Never seen them dispose of a halibut eh!!?? !!! Ocean. Mon capitain!!
Whos the idiot Spouting off
Yer just pissed cause you know its fact and youve not heard about it lol
Cheers fact finder ears
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Fact remains you can have open carry and use it for hunying if you so wish!
So fact remains!!
As for fiishing

Never seen them dispose of a halibut eh!!?? !!! Ocean. Mon capitain!!
Whos the idiot Spouting off
Yer just pissed cause you know its fact and youve not heard about it lol
Cheers fact finder ears

I love facts, and science. Please link your facts about hunting with a handgun. Or are you scared to prove yourself wrong.

Gb is correct. Mostly for bear. The reasoning is at very short range a long gun round will go through and not cause much damage, where the hand gun will not go through and stop the animal.
Gb is correct. Mostly for bear. The reasoning is at very short range a long gun round will go through and not cause much damage, where the hand gun will not go through and stop the animal.

Your talking protection not hunting....big diff.

Ever seen an exit wound? 4x-10x the size of the entry wound. I would never rely on a hand gun for protection in the bush. You would need a hand cannon to stop a charging bear. No thanks, I'd prefer my 12g.

Words to live (die) by....You dont spit in the wind, tug on Supermans cape, take a knife to a gun fight, or, take a handgun to a Grizzly fight.

Never seen them dispose of a halibut eh!!??
Large Halibut (and other species) are shot prior to bringing onboard to prevent injury and damage from them flopping around. A small caliber rifle is usually the tool, a shotgun would destroy the meat.
Seen both
Deffender with slug
Or a 22
I didn't want to tell it's me high that his defender was used for such things Lol and about all they are good for lol
So YOU get to decide what myself and others enjoy as a hobby? How does that work? You don't like guns, I get it, but that does not give you the right to dictate what others do or to call them names for participating in a legal activity. I have been around guns all my life. Most of my relatives are hunters and many served in the military and in my 54 years I have never met anyone who has been shot or anyone who has shot another person. Your gun experience is your issue, you might want to move and seek counseling, but don't come on here dictating what others say because it offends you.
First off I can do what I like, what you going to do about it shoot me?
Second off, maybe the RCMP should revoke your gun privilege seeing has you were on here a few days ago talking about how you would love to put hot lead in a woman's head.... Hummmm My point is proven again... Sorry you loser, loser.....
So YOU get to decide what myself and others enjoy as a hobby? How does that work? You don't like guns, I get it, but that does not give you the right to dictate what others do or to call them names for participating in a legal activity. I have been around guns all my life. Most of my relatives are hunters and many served in the military and in my 54 years I have never met anyone who has been shot or anyone who has shot another person. Your gun experience is your issue, you might want to move and seek counseling, but don't come on here dictating what others say because it offends you.
No you just threaten to shoot people,lol. your a joke your argument about peaceful target practice was out the window the second you made a threat with your so called legal gun.....
No Sir (:
but I have done plenty of fishing out in your neck of the woods, from Sturgeon on the Fraser to Kings out off Quardra Island and north to the Charlottes..

YA BOY Been der done dat eh!


Ontario has its advantages eh ;)

Gb123 said

"side arms have been usedin hunting,,,,,, and fishing,,,, to put animals down and FISH TOO for years!!!. So people dont get hurt. (: Which ever sidearm suits your best"

Wow, just wow. Not in Canada in the last 50 years. Hand guns are only permitted at gun ranges period. You don't fish with a Glock

Thank you.......
Northern canada son ,special
Open carry for protection!!
Look it up!!
Yer no hunter wtf do you know? Lol
Keep tryin
Both of you
As for puting fish down.. is done with shotgun at the side of the boat!!

So again. Side arms for hunting!! :)

Is that GB's boat sinking??????? He must be fishing again.
Your a fool if you think you can hunt with a handgun. Only special circumstances allow open carry, hunting isn't one. If your JOB requires you to be in secluded wilderness situation you can apply for a ATC FOR PROTECTION, if you can prove a long gun isn't practical. You can't hunt with it. Period.

Wow shotgun for fishing.....just when I thought you have spewed all you ignorance you pull this out. Your amazing......croc hunters only use a .22... what the hell you fishing for that you need a 12g?

FYI I'm an avid sportsman, I've been in the bush since I was in diapers hunting and fishing. Your so full of bullshit your eyes are brown.

Between Hunting and growing if people listen to that guy they will be in a world of hurt and trouble,lol.....
No you just threaten to shoot people,lol. your a joke your argument about peaceful target practice was out the window the second you made a threat with your so called legal gun.....
Show me where I threatened to shoot ANYBODY...or STFU. You can't just go around saying I threatened to shoot someone...that's called defamation of character. Given that I require yearly criminal record checks for my job, I can't have people going around accusing me of uttering threats of gun violence. Provide evidence to back up your statement...I'll wait.
Seems pretty standard in Alaska to carry a large calibre handgun for wildlife protection if your near the wilderness.
Not everyone can have a long gun handy at all time. Not in this country though.