Forgot to turn off my light, help !


Active Member
so heres what I did .. I didn't hear my alarm this morning and forgot to turn my flower room lights off until 1210pm .. They were supposed to go off at 730am .. So 17hrs of light .. U can check out my grow thread for info .. But my question is what major damage have I done and will my girls pull through with no problems or setbacks ? Thanks


Well-Known Member
if your flowering it can slow them down a day or two. if your in veggie mode it wont hurt it at all


Moderatrix of Journals
it's not likely that one hiccup will fuck them up.
if it were my girls i'd maybe give them an extra shot of pro silicate.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure they get a full 12 hours of darkness, might have to change your schedule but what is important is the "dark period"


Active Member
heres my problem .. I have 2 timers .. But .. I like using my 150w for side lighting in the doorway , does a real good job from what I can see .. I wouldnt mind giving that up to be able to use a timer buthow do I tackle light that would get into the tent from my fan blowing in .. Nevermind .. I could use a small piece of dryer vent to extend it until I see no outside light ? any other suggestions ?

Also how do I tackle keeping the tent cool enough ? I stressed getting acceptable temps over the past few months and I finally got a method down . If I move a fan even an inch it can rise the temp .. Depending on how long the ac was on I can get from 79-86 on a reg night .. 88-90 max but I usually cut the light for a few to drop temps fast.